Big Brother 25 Power of Veto Week 6 Competition Results (09/9/23)

Big Brother 24 Big Brother Power of VetoCameron’s Head of Household win has created a bit of chaos in the game. It’s not that the Big Brother 25 cast needed more chaos as this has been a season full of unpredictability. Yes, we’ve gotten unanimous votes in four out of the five weeks. However, it’s been a chaotic road to get them. Now, Cameron has sent the houseguests scrambling even more. 

You can’t blindside someone and not expect them to go rogue. His Head of Household reign has already put the players in a high anxiety situation. They know he can’t trust them, and therefore, he doesn’t really trust anyone. He made a point of not telling anyone in the house his true nominee plans and target. 

He wanted them all to believe that Jag was his target for the week. Nevertheless, he spoke of a potential backdoor plan. He just wouldn’t tell anyone who would be the victim of it. Cameron knows that Felicia, Izzy, and Cirie are pretty much running the game. Therefore, you had to assume that one of them would be his true target for the week. 

Cameron shocked the audience and the houseguests when he nominated Izzy and Felicia for eviction. This sent them all spiraling. Cameron also alluded that he might have some more surprises up his sleeve, aka possibly backdooring someone this week — like Cirie. The Veto was the best chance to save Izzy or Felicia, but based on Cameron’s strategy at least one of this trio would leave this week.

Jared, Matt, and Jag were the players chosen to play in the Veto competition.



Jared won the Power of Veto. 

Matt technically won the competition but Jared got it because it was a reward, punishment, swap competition. He suspects that Cirie will be Cameron’s backdoor plan, so he likely won’t use it.

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