Big Brother Spoilers: Who Was Nominated For Eviction? 9/12/2015

Big Brother spoilers are finally in for who was nominated for eviction on Big Brother 17 in week 11. Before the Big Brother Live Feeds went down for an extensive time period on Friday, we thought we knew who would go up. But with almost 14 hours of being unable to watch Vanessa and her manipulations, anything could have happened.


We were blocked off from all the tasty Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds from 9:45 AM BBT to 11:30 PM BBT. That’s a long time to go without any goodies from the feeds, although this does tend to happen a few times every year close to the end of the season.

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds and CBS show. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!

While it wasn’t that much of a surprise to get blacked out of the Big Brother Live Feeds for so long on Friday, we were quite anxious for them to come back up. Although we thought Vanessa as the new Head of Household would decide to put up Steve and Johnny Mac as the eviction nominees, nothing is ever set in stone with that woman.

During the downtime on the feeds, Vanessa could have totally flipped around on everyone and put up Liz and Austin, or any crazy combination of the other Houseguests! If we were Vanessa, there is virtually no way we would not put Austin and Liz up on the block together. Everyone gets to play for the Power of Veto now, so why not just go ahead and put the showmance couple up there, break whatever deals you must, and do your best to get one out!

Alas, when the Big Brother Live Feeds did finally come back on (2 hours LATE I might add, spurring trending #WhyTheFeedsAreDown and  #WhyTheFeedsArentBack hashtags on Twitter!), we found out Vanessa had indeed decided to put Johnny Mac and Steve up on the block. We saw Vanessa working Steve before we crashed for bed, telling him Johnny Mac is the target.

Unfortunately, we did not get Power of Veto spoilers yet as it appears the competition did not take place while the Live Feeds were down. Instead, they appear to have been down partially because of Liz’s luxury win during the Head of Household Competition. It seems that former Houseguest Frankie Grande popped in to take her and her guest (Vanessa) out of the house for an outing.

We will bring you those Power of Veto spoilers as soon as they come in, we promise!

Be sure to catch us on Twitter for the latest Live Feeds updates!

***Sign up for your CBS All Access Pass for your insider access to the Big Brother Live Feeds!***

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About L. A. Vess 1495 Articles
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