Former Big Brother winner Hayden Moss is not happy about losing out on another reality TV show win with his 7th place finish on Survivor Blood vs Water. However, he is proud that he made it all the way to Day 36 fighting tooth and nail. Unlike Big Brother, which Hayden said was a fun experience, Survivor 27 was a constant battle for him all the way through.

“My experiences on Survivor and Big Brother are totally different,” Hayden told “Big Brother was smooth sailing. I was never in any danger at all. I cruised right to the end and got an easy win. Survivor, my back was against the wall and I had to fight to even make it to Day 36.”
We might argue that winning Big Brother 12 was maybe a tad bit more difficult than just taking a walk in the park. However, we definitely agree that Survivor 27 was a far more brutal experience. Hayden had a strong alliance on Big Brother, and the dynamic of having newbies versus veterans plus family members on Survivor was a crazy landmine of obstacles to deal with. On Survivor Blood vs Water, Hayden was rarely ever out of danger of being the next victim of a vote out even when he seemed to be in a strong position.
Survivor is also an extremely grueling physical experience as well. If you watch the contestants throughout the season, you easily note how extremely thin, almost emaciated, many of them get from a lack of food and nutrition. The temperatures are often horrendously high, which is incredibly wearing, especially during competitions. Castaways are also often quite sick as well, as Survivor 2013 winner Tyson Apostol was at the final Tribal Council this season. There is little downtime on Survivor and no creature comforts to speak of. It’s a harsh battle not only of mind, but also of body.
“When you play Big Brother, you have a full stomach, you are drinking beer at night and hanging out,” Hayden said in his interview with “It is more of a fun, summer vacation like atmosphere. Survivor is difficult. It is not easy. It is no always fun out there.”
Hayden says the moment when he lost it all on Survivor 27 all came down to a single drop of sweat. While he was precariously balancing a ceramic vase with one foot during the final Redemption Island challenge, Hayden said “a drop of sweat fell into my eye” and it was all over. The former Big Brother winner couldn’t stop his body’s reaction to the irritation and he lost the balance he needed to keep his vase from crashing down and breaking.
Now that Hayden has gone through the dual Big Brother/Survivor experience, he would love to see his girlfriend, Kat Edorsson, do it all in reverse — a sentiment she shares. “Oh, my God. She would be hilarious on Big Brother, literally, hilarious,” Hayden said.