After a long and grueling 39 days for the castaways, we will finally learn who won Survivor Blood vs Water tonight! According to the Survivor spoilers out there, we have a pretty good idea who wins Survivor 2013, but we’re hoping there will be some last minute surprise and the predictions will turn out to be wrong. Join us for our live Survivor 27 finale results recap and find out with us what happens!

Tyson Apostol, Gervase Peterson, and Monica Culpepper have long been rumored to be the final three for this season. As it stands going into the Survivor Blood vs Water finale tonight, these spoilers are looking very likely to be true. Tyson, Gervase, and Monica have a tight alliance stranglehold going on and no matter what happens with the returning player from Redemption Island tonight, they look like they are very solid to go through to the final three.
We won’t tell you which castaway is alleged to be the person who won Survivor Blood vs Water in case you don’t want to know yet, but you can read up on those spoilers here if you are so inclined. We would love to see that particular bit of Survivor spoilers information turn out to be inaccurate and give us a nice surprise at the end of the night. Unfortunately, we think this person is probably going to end up as the Survivor 27 winner whether we like it or not.
Our Survivor Blood vs Water finale live recap starts right here at 8PM ET. Join us for the live Survivor results right here below!
[Please refresh this page frequently for the latest updates in our Survivor 2013 recap of the season 27 finale.]
Here we go! To kick off the Survivor 27 finale tonight, we have a lengthy recap montage of the season up until this point. Oh yes, how we remember Colton Cumbie turning into a nasty little lying rat fink once again and then quitting the show in a huff. Oh, and of course, the cruel turn of events when Ciera Eastin had to vote out her own mom, Laura Morett, to get herself further in the game. Ouch! That wasn’t nearly as painful though, as watching our boy, Big Brother winner Hayden Moss, get voted off to Redemption Island!
Ciera says things did not go as planned when Hayden was voted off, but the great thing is that there is still one more Redemption Island challenge. She hopes that her mom will win her way back in and be an alliance member for her. Tyson and Gervase are worried about whoever might come back from Redemption Island recruiting Monica to their side. Monica tells the cameras that no matter who comes back, she plans on doubling her chances to win by being on “both teams.”
Over on Redemption Island, the girls tell Hayden they are very sorry it is him joining them. Hayden says in confessional this is the second time he has played a game like this and the first time he was voted out. Hayden says Monica is just listening to what Tyson says and it is a bummer. He tells the girls that if Gervase, Tyson, and Monica end up as the final three, he’s voting for host Jeff Probst!
As Hayden, Laura M., and Tina Wesson head to the Redemption Island challenge, we just have to say Tina is looking scary skinny! We hope she gets some serious feeding up once she gets home.

The Redemption Island challenge this week is all about balance. The thee competitors have to put a foot on the end of a see-saw balance board with a vase on the other end. When their balance wavers and their vase falls off, they are out of the challenge. There is no second place today. One winner who will rejoin the game, two losers who will be off to the Jury.

Laura M. is struggling hard and her vase is wobbling all over, while Tina and Hayden are holding steady. Finally, she manages to find her balance for the moment. But then she is wiggling all over again and cant’ stay steady. Tina is now holding her leg up with her hands to stay steady, but how much strength does she have at this point?
Tina almost loses her vase and Laura looks like she is going to fall over. Will the spoilers prove correct that Hayden Moss supposedly ends up in the top four this season? Wow, it looks like… that spoilers were wrong! Hayden Moss loses his vase and he is out and will be the fifth member of the Jury. He looks almost like he might just choke up, but not quite. He says he is a very lucky guy and can’t wait to get back home to his beautiful girlfriend Kat Edorsson, who was eliminated earlier in the season.

Laura M. also loses her vase and she is in tears that she didn’t get back in the game. She says she feels like a failure. Jeff kind of gives her a bit of hell for being kind of a crappy example to her daughter by acting like it doesn’t matter how hard you try if all you do is lose. Ciera tells her it is okay and tells her she is very proud of her.
That means Tina Wesson will be going back into the game! She takes the last immunity clue of the season and sticks it into her bra with a smile.
Ciera is bummed that her mom did not come back in but she puts on a bit smile to welcome Tina back to the game. Tina know there is a “huge, strong alliance” with Gervase, Tyson, and Monica. She decides to share her immunity clue with Ciera. The clue says something about a big tree with branches “spread out wide.” Tina goes climbing up a tree like a kid while Ciera watches with shock. They don’t find the Immunity Idol and Ciera tells Tina it is possible that Tyson already found it.
Tina starts talking to Monica about which side she is going to be on. Tina says the Jury is going to be very ugly to Monica and rip her up because they are very mad at her. Monica says that is totally insane. Ciera says in confessional that Tina is too confrontational and they don’t want Monica to hate us, they want her to come with them. Ciera tries to feed Monica more positive reasons to switch sides.
Time for the final five to face tonight’s Immunity Challenge. Damn, Ciera and Monica are looking scary skinny too. They should do a combo Survivor/The Biggest Loser season or something! This Immunity Challenge is totally wacky with contestants trying to balance blocks in a line on a board held in place by a rope. Move too fast to get more blocks to put on the board, and your blocks fall down. The ladies are in the lead at first, but then they all let their blocks fall down while the guys are pulling ahead.

The castaways have to line up 10 blocks together in order to win. Ciera dumps all her blocks again and has to start over while Tyson is getting very close to winning. Monica dumps all her blocks and Tyson now only has one block left if he can just keep it all steady. Tyson has it! He has won immunity and a guaranteed spot in the final four!
This pretty much means that either Ciera or Tina is going to get voted out by the majority alliance of Monica, Gervase, and Monica. The three of them head off to the beach to talk alone and decide what would be the smarter move, to get rid of Ciera or to get rid of Tina. Tyson says at this point the decision has to be purely strategic.
A bit later, Monica and Gervase talk separately and they are all over Tina and how she’s a liar and a bully, and they are sick of it. Gervase wants to push to get out Ciera, but Monica really, really detests Tina. Monica whines in confessional about how she’s just been bullied through the whole season by everyone.

Of course, Monica still continues to play nicey-nice with Tina and Ciera. She talks to them about how there is the option to get rid of Gervase. Ciera tells the cameras that Tina just needs to shut up and let her do the talking with Monica or she is going to mess things up. Monica says at tonight’s Tribal Council it is her night. She basically tells the cameras that she has control. She’s still playing games with everyone, but we don’t think she is really going to side with Tina and Ciera.
Finally, it’s time for the Tribal Council and the members of the Jury come in. The final five are basically split into Tina and Ciera against Tyson and Gervase, with Monica in the middle. Well, supposedly in the middle, but we think she’s really actually still with Gervase and Tyson, no matter what she says. She just hates them both really, but she talks about how the girls came to her and said they need to get out Gervase and Tyson as the “villains.”
Ciera says that Tyson has talked about how Monica is his lapdog and he manipulates her. Tyson totally denies this. He says he has never treated Monica like that and only ever said that he has Monica on his side in an alliance. Monica says the last 24 hours have been extremely difficult and she starts tearing up again, talking about how it has all gotten to her. She says tonight is her strategic move and her time to let people see what the best strategy is for Monica, not for anybody else.
Gervase says his heart just dropped out of his chest hearing Monica’s words and Tyson is giving crazy eye looks at everyone. It’s all about the vote now and we’ll see if Monica really does stick with her alliance as we expect she will.
Now it’s finally time for the vote. Jeff calls out to ask for the hidden Immunity Idol to be played since this is the last time it can be used. And… Gervase stands up to hand over the Idol Tyson has given him and he is safe from being voted out. Any votes against him will not count. Here come the votes:
Vote against Gervase (doesn’t count)
Vote against Gervase (doesn’t count)
Vote against Ciera
Vote against Ciera
Ciera has been voted off Survivor Blood vs Water. The final four are Gervase, Monica, Tyson, and Tina. Monica apparently did indeed stick with the guys and voted against Ciera, even though she really seems to hate Tina. Monica was a bit dumbfounded that Gervase used the Idol because it kind of means to her that he and Tyson didn’t totally trust her.
It’s the next day and almost time for the next Immunity Challenge. There are no more Idols to keep anyone safe now. Tina knows if she does not win, she will absolutely not make the final three. Monica wants to win to make sure she is guaranteed to make the final three castaways. They all have one last shot to get to the final three and plead their case to win the million dollar prize.

For the last time, immunity is on the line. There are a lot of pieces to this final challenge obstacle course and it’s going to take balance, strength, and speed. We note they have brought back those big water slides because you know they had to use those again. At one point Monica actually physically blocks Gervase from passing her and shoves him back!

Monica and Tyson are in the lead, Tyson is right behind and Tina is trailing in last place way behind. Monica, Tyson, and Gervase all get to the final puzzle phase while Tina is still trying to get there. Looks like those spoilers about Tyson, Monica, and Gervase being the final three on Survivor Blood vs Water may just be true.
Everyone is finally doing the puzzle but Tina is far behind while Monica and Tyson are in the lead. Tina seems confused but is starting to catch up a little. The puzzle contains clues to help them solve a combination lock to win. Tyson solves the puzzle while Tina and Gervase fall behind. Monica is looking over at the other puzzles to solve hers.
Tyson is working on the combination lock. He turns his wheels and pulls his flag and it goes up! He has won the final immunity challenge and is guaranteed to be in the final three. This pretty much means Tina is definitely going to be out and the final three spoilers of Gervase, Monica, and Tyson are probably true. Tina says she is bummed but she can present Monica the opportunity to get out one of her strongest competitors instead of her, but we don’t think Monica will go for it.
Monica teases Gervase about pushing him back in the Immunity Challenge when he tried to pass her. Monica talks to Tina about how Gervase and Tyson kept it a secret from her that Tyson was going to give the Immunity Idol to Gervase and he was going to use it. She is trying to convince Tina that she could maybe be against them now, but we think she’s just yanking Tina’s chain. Tina is hopeful that maybe Monica might turn to her side and they can both vote against Gervase. That would result in a two to two tie vote. Monica says in confessional that it would give her the added benefit of another big move, but we still aren’t feeling her being sincere.

Time for Tribal Council once again and we welcome the Jury back. This is it. Survive tonight’s Tribal Council and you make it to the end. Tina says she had only two chances. Either she had to win immunity or she had to convince Monica to switch to her side. Jeff says that it was “obvious” to him that the alliance was over when she elbowed Gervase to keep him from passing her during the immunity challenge.
We don’t think that’s really true, but she is going to play it like she’s totally in control and it isn’t about any alliances at this point, just about how to win. Gervase says he is totally worried about what is going to happen tonight with the vote and we don’t think he quite trusts Monica. We think we trust her to vote with the guys more than the guys do! And speaking of the votes, here they come:
Vote against Tina
Vote against Tina
Vote against Gervase
Vote against Tina
The votes have been counted and… Tina has been voted out of Survivor 27 and will be the final member to join the Jury. As we thought, Monica was just screwing around once again and never seriously considered voting against the guys.
Monica, Tyson, and Gervase are the final three as spoilers predicted way back in October. So much for surprises! Now we are definitely feeling like those spoilers about who won Survivor Blood vs Water are probably going to be true as well.
The final three head back to camp and have a feast of champagne, orange juice, bacon and all sorts of yummy stuff. Tyson can barely let the bacon cook before he is shoving it down his face. In confessional, he says it was the breakfast he dreamed of finally getting to and now he has to focus on winning.
Monica tells the cameras that she has found herself again and she could very well walk away as the sole survivor and win a million dollars. Gervase says a lot of blood, sweat, and tears have gotten him this far and all has come full circle. He’s in the finals and it wasn’t luck, it was because he knows how to play this game.
Time for the very final Tribal Council of Survivor Blood vs Water. The final three and the Jury arrive and it is time for the castaways to convince their eliminated competition why they should win a million dollars. Frankly, we don’t think any of them want any of the final three to win! We aren’t really loving any of the choices either, but if we had to pick anyone to win, we’d probably give it to Gervase just because we dislike him less than Tyson or Monica.

Gervase argues all about how well he has played the game and played it the way it should be played. Monica talks about how everyone thinks she was drug along by the guys like a puppy dog to get to the end. Monica says that is not true. She says she chose the way she did because she has now has less blood on her hands and this was her best chance to win.
Tyson says he was planning to have maximum amounts of fun and have no regrets when he got voted out. However, when he saw girlfriend Rachel Foulger get voted out, he was determined that he was going to get to the end. He was going to find the immunity idols, he was going to fight hard when he had to, and he was going to make the moves necessary to get to the end no matter what. However, he didn’t do anything out of malice. (He gets a little choked up about Rachel, whether that is for real or just for sympathy.)
Now it’s time to hear from the Jury. Vytas Baskuaskas tells Tyson that he said if Tyson got him out, he would lose his Jury vote. He says he is going to hold true to that but also says he isn’t sure who he is going to vote for. He does tell Gervase that this isn’t the old Survivor, this is the new Survivor, kind of digging at him for talking about how he’s so good at the game. Katie Collins is up next and she confronts Tyson about why she would vote for him after he told her to take her seat in the Jury when she drew the white rock in the tiebreaker. He says he does apologize for that.
Caleb wants to know what Gervase thinks his big move was of the season. Gervase says it was going after Aras. He also wants to know if Gervase was ever going to vote out Tyson. Gervase said he had kind of thought he would in the final four. (But didn’t, of course.) Monica gets all teary and tells Caleb Bankston about how she’s been all alone and whine, whine, whine about how she has had to prove that she’s something more than just Brad Culpepper‘s wife, etc. etc. We’re so over it. Tyson tells Ciera he was never a villain and everything he did was purely for strategy and he had no malice for anyone in the game.
Like Caleb, Laura M. says she wants to see some emotion out of Monica. So Monica cries again about blah, blah, blah. Tina wants one word to describe each of the final three. Monica says generous. Gervase says loyal. Tyson says fun-loving. Hayden Moss says everyone thinks Monica is a big fake. He wants to know who she really is. She says they meet up after the show to get to know each other and he says he would like to do that.
For the final question, Aras wants to know who they would vote for if they couldn’t pick themselves. Gervase and Monica both pick Tyson for playing the game so well. Tyson picks Monica for playing the outside role in their alliance and making it to the finale. Ouch to Gervase!
Time for the Jury to deliberate and decide who is going to walk away with a million dollars tonight. And probably go immediately to eat a steak because they are all looking like death warmed over right now.
And now we go live for the finale vote!
Vote for Monica
Vote for Tyson
Vote for Tyson
Vote for Tyson
Oh, you know how it goes from here, Tyson gets the rest of the votes and he is the Survivor Blood vs Water winner for season 27. As predicted in spoilers all the way back to late September… no surprise here. We hope he enjoys his million dollars. We’d always be happy to have a little taste of it over here if he needs some more places to spend it!