Who won Head of Household on Big Brother tonight was going to be double trouble inside the house with a rapid fire double eviction night, which meant two HoH comps in a row in just one evening!

WARNING: This post contains CBS Big Brother TV show spoilers from Thursday night’s eviction show, possibly including competition information or results, game play moves, alliances, showmances, etc. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!
In a Double Eviction, the first contest to find out who won HoH on Big Brother tonight always happens during the show, but sometimes the second HoH comp gets cut off before the show is over. Of course, that just means we have to flip over to the Live Feeds to bring you the spoilers for what happened!
After a crazy couple of days with the house going into full revolt against puppet master manipulator Paulie Calafiore, we couldn’t wait to see who would win the first Head of Household tonight. If it wasn’t Paulie, there was a very strong chance one of his former allies might be putting him up on the block! If he did win though, after tonight’s eviction, that too would be a fun bit of drama to see which houseguest he decided to target for the second half of the Double Eviction.
Our live Big Brother 18 recap of tonight’s Head of Household Competition results continues! Stay tuned to find how who wins both HoH Comps tonight — even if they carry over onto the Live Feeds! Please be sure to refresh this page frequently during the show for the latest updates!
During the first Live Eviction of the night, the house vote flip to undermine Paulie actually did work out and Zakiyah was eliminated instead of Michelle. Zakiyah did not have the Round Trip ticket, so she is off to Jury house.
Big Brother 18 Head of Household Competition – Week 8
We’re off to the backyard for the first Head of Household Competition of the night with a ‘more or less’ competition where the houseguests have to decide if the answer to a question is more or less than the example given.
Round 1: Paulie and Bridgette are eliminated. Michelle and Natalie do a huge happy dance.
Round 2: Only Corey gets it right! He is the new Head of Household.
Corey only has only a few minutes to choose nominations. Great, this means that basically the whole house revolt against Paulie may just have gotten screwed!
After a short deliberation with the other guys, who are all ‘allies’ together, Corey announces his Nominations will be Bridgette and Michelle. This sucks for the new revolution in the house, considering they were basically the leaders of the move to get Zakiyah out instead of Michelle just moments ago.
After a hard and fast Veto Competition, Corey ends up winning the Power of Veto as well. He briefly consults with Paul, Nicole and Paulie. Corey briefly consults with Paul, Nicole and Paulie and they pretty quickly agree to get “her” out and we think we heard them say Bridgette. If so, Bridgette is about to be the second person evicted and going to Jury unless she has that Round Trip ticket back into the house.
Big Brother 18 Head of Household Competition – Week 8 1/2
The show ends before the second HoH is over, so we’ll be here watching the Live Feeds until the results come in from the competition. Since it didn’t begin during the show, we’re betting we won’t get to watch it on the Feeds, that’s usually how it works. However, we will let you know who won as soon as the houseguests leak the info after the challenge is over.
10:05 PM BBT – The second Head of Household has finally been revealed and… well, okay this is kind of boring. It appears that Victor Arroyo has won again. Which means we had a different HoH for only a few hours between two reigns of Victor as Head of Household. He’s already holed up with Paulie, Paul and Corey talking about their grand plans for the week like they are all still the best of buddies. But… looks may be deceiving and Paulie may find that out the hard way very soon…
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