Big Brother Spoilers: Have-Not Reveal, Round 1 Safety, & Save-A-Friend Awarded

Earlier this afternoon, the first group of Have-Nots in Big Brother: Over the Top, as voted by the fans, were revealed to the houseguests (HG).  Three lucky HGs will dine on nothing but the allocated ‘slop’, take cold showers, and sleep in special designated Have-Not beds.

Big Brother: Over the Top Have-Not Reveal (Photo Courtesy of CBS)
Big Brother: Over the Top Have-Not Reveal (Photo Courtesy of CBS)

The slop was some sort of oatmeal concoction that didn’t look the least bit appetizing.  The Have-Not room was redecorated for this season of Big Brother.  Production bailed on the Big Brother 18 carnival theme for the designated Have-Not room and unveiled the haunted house theme for Big Brother: Over the Top.

Although the beds are no longer the horribly uncomfortable bumper cars from last season, the new Have-Not sleeping quarters resemble scaled-down trampolines with rope webbing over the top surface to simulate a spider’s web.  Suffice to say, any HG that  is an arachnophobic, will have continual nightmares while made to sleep in this room.  The good news for the newly crowned Have-Nots is that they cannot be voted as Have-Nots back-to-back so they will get at least a week reprieve.


America voted to punish Monte Massongill, Scott Dennis, and Morgan Willett this week as the first Have-Nots of Big Brother: Over the Top.

Later in the evening, the first round of this week’s Safety ceremony took place in the Big Brother house.  Alex, the current Head of Household (HOH), has the responsibility of naming the HGs that will be safe this week.  After the second round of the Safety ceremony tomorrow, the two HGs that did not receive safety will be the two HGs nominated to the block for eviction.

Once those two HGs are announced to America tomorrow, voting will open for fans to pick the third and final HG to be nominated to the block for eviction.  Fans are allotted 20 votes and voting closes Monday morning limiting the time available to cast your votes.

Alex has made it clear that her targets this week are Danielle Lickey and Shane Chapman.  Alex has made these two HGs her target to break up their showmance in the house.  She has indicated that Shane’s eviction would be the best for her game at this juncture over evicting Danielle.

Alex is somewhat concerned about her targets after the Have-Not reveal earlier today.  She played her hand right tonight and left herself with a life raft by waiting to nominate Monte and Scott for safety until the second round tomorrow.  If something happens between tonight and the second round of the Safety ceremony tomorrow, she will still have the option to nominate Danielle and Shane for safety and leave Monte and/or Scott as the HGs nominated to the block.


For the first round of the Safety ceremony, Alex gave safety to:

  • Kryssie Ridolfi
  • Whitney Hogg
  • Neeley Jackson
  • Morgan Willett

Important to note, Jason Roy did not need to receive safety from Alex today.  Right before the Safety ceremony, Kryssie used her recently awarded America’s Care Package “Save-a-Friend” on her ‘ride or die’, Jason Roy.  Jason is completely safe for the week.  Unlike the HGs that receive safety from the Safety ceremonies and can be nominated to the block as a replacement nominee after the Power of Veto competition, Jason cannot be put up as a replacement nominee this week guaranteeing his complete safety this week.


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