Sometimes the best possible play that you can make on Big Brother is to keep your mouth shut about what you know. Unfortunately, some of the Big Brother 17 cast really don’t seem to have this basic lesson down. Case in point, the nasty round of confrontations we had on Monday morning that pretty much determined exactly what was going to happen at the Power of Veto Ceremony.

When your head is on the Big Brother 2015 chopping block, you should think long and hard about exactly how you are going to fight to stay in the game. Sometimes, revealing choice bits of information to the powers in charge can save your skin. However, say the wrong things to the wrong person at the wrong time, and you just might seal your fate for good.
WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds and CBS show. Please do notproceed if you do not want spoilers!
There was way too much gossip going on last night on the Big Brother Live Feeds, with everyone not power scrambling to make sure they didn’t end up as the big target this week. The hilarious thing is, that if everyone (except unfortunate mostly main target Johnny Mac) would just shut up, they would probably be perfectly safe!
Steve made the mistake of telling Meg and James that Austin, Vanessa, and the twins were a “fortress” in the house. If he’d not said this, he would have probably skated right through the eviction without a care in the world, based on his deals with that side of the house.
But now, Meg and James had to spill to Austin about Steve calling the Austwins a power force in the house. Which did them no good, and certainly did Steve harm, when they could have used this opportunity to team up with Steve since they desperately need the numbers. James and Meg might have made things better for themselves if they’d mentioned that Steve included Vanessa in his comment, but they didn’t.
Then there was Johnny Mac practically digging his own grave while trying to throw Austin and James under the bus to Vanessa. He told her they promised to throw the Head of Household to him so he could get her out. But Austin and James swear all over this never happened, and now Johnny Mac looks like even more of a tasty target as an alleged big, fat liar!
To make things even worse, Johnny Mac tried Monday morning to use the big fuel of telling Vanessa about the five person alliance with him, Steve, and the Austwins to get her out. This ended up backfiring bigtime against both Johnny Mac and Steve, especially with Austin manhandling Vanessa to make sure none of the blame ended up resting too hard on his shoulders.
So after all of this, it looked damned certain there was no way that Vanessa was going to use the Power of Veto to take down either Johnny Mac or Steve. Since both are now even more delicious potential targets for her, Austin, and the twins. When the Live Feeds came back from the ceremony, it was official. Steve and Johnny Mac are still on the block. Apparently Vanessa tore them both a new one during the ceremony!
We still think as of now that Johnny Mac will still be the evictee this Thursday because they all think Steve is more controllable. However, Vanessa is really tweaked at Steve for allegedly spearheading the five person deal to get her out (that Austin actually lead). Right after the ceremony, she announced that she is NOT voting to keep Steve, and they can do whatever they want! But we bet she could try to push the Austwins to go there too. There are still days to go, and things happen fast in the Big Brother house!
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