This week, Big Brother 2016 best friends Corey Brooks and Paulie Calafiore face off to stay in the Big Brother 18 house. Two weeks ago, Paulie’s game fell apart. As he tried to save his showmance partner, Zakiyah Everette, the Big Brother house began to exchange information. They figured out he had played them all.

Paulie became the target going into the first Big Brother 18 double eviction. Corey won the Head of Household and Veto competition, which guaranteed Paulie at least another week in the house. Corey tried to once again solidify the Executives alliance. Everyone agreed to it, but no one, but Corey, planned to keep the guys together.
After Victor Arroyo won Head of Household and the Veto, Paulie’s fate seemed sealed. Corey went up as a backup choice in case Paulie won Veto. Paulie promised not to campaign against Corey. He also tried to get Corey off the block, and Natalie Negrotti or James Huiling put up against him instead. He wanted to campaign, and claimed to not feel like he could do it next to Corey.
Paulie did campaign to stay a little. He used the “you need someone to take out Victor” approach. Predictably, it failed to sway any votes. However, Paul Abrahamian decided to try to rattle Corey and Nicole Franzel. He talked his new alliance into being vague about their votes. This started causing Corey to campaign a bit. His best argument was to do what you want with your votes.
Victor, Michelle Meyer, and Paul also plan to try to rattle Nicole and Corey prior to tonight’s Head of Household competition.
In the end, Paulie will be evicted from the Big Brother 18 house by a vote of 5-0. Whether Paulie stays or goes depends on the Round Trip Ticket.
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