Victor Arroyo could not have scripted this past week to go any better for his Big Brother 18 game. On the heels of the double eviction last week, Victor won his second Head of Household (HOH) in the matter of only three weeks.

After winning HOH and making the biggest move in the game so far this season by nominating his once closest allies, Corey Brooks and Paulie Calafiore to the Block, he sealed the deal by winning the Power of Veto (POV) last night. Now that he has assured his nominations to the Block are set, the only things standing in his way of a perfect Big Brother week are the five votes casted by his fellow houseguests (HG) to evict Paulie Calafiore.
Once Paulie is evicted tonight by a score of 5-o (I can’t imagine any of the HGs voting for Corey at this point in the game), can you imagine the drama that would ensue if Paulie held the magical Big Brother Airlines round trip ticket? To further add some drama to the equation, let’s hypothesize that he not only holds the ticket back into the Big Brother house, but after Paulie comes back in the game, he either wins the next HOH or Big Brother fans vote to give him America’s Care Package (ACP). This week the ACP is Co-HOH, and this entitles the winner the perks and responsibilities of HOH including the right to nominate one of the two HGs to the Block.
If Paulie did hold the round trip ticket, came back in the game and was given the ACP, would he nominate Victor to the Block? Odds are that would be his target after Victor has made it very clear that he has targeted Paulie this week out of pure revenge. Then there’s that little thing called Karma and where does she fall in line with all of the chaos. Don’t forget to vote for ACP here. Voting is open until Friday, August 19 1 PM EST/ 10 AM PST.

If the game played out like this, how would the other HGs react and who would they side with to protect their games from blowing up? Would Paul continue to be loyal to Victor? My guess is that it would all depend on who was sitting on the Block next to Victor if this hypothetical synopsis were to actually come to fruition.
I have to admit, it is a lot of fun to throw these possibilities out there just for kicks. Stranger things have happened in the Big Brother house over the course of 18 seasons. What are some of your hypotheticals for tonight and Paulie? Does he have any hope that the HGs decide to evict Corey over Paulie? Tune in tonight to see which HG is evicted and if they hold the coveted round trip ticket back into the game.
Also, don’t forget there is an extra night of Big Brother this week airing on Friday night 8 PM EST/ 7 PM CST. How does the extra night of Big Brother figure into all of our hypotheses? Will there be another Battle Back competition giving the current jury house members a shot at coming back into the game? Da’Vonne Rogers, Zakiyah Everette, and Bridgette Dunning (probably Paulie too) would all love the chance to come back into the game. What are your thoughts on the extra episode of Big Brother this week? Share your thoughts with us below.
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