Merry Christmas in… August? Big Brother fans! For some incredibly wacky reason, the Power of Veto Competition tonight is holiday themed, which is just super weird. However, it does give us the chance to see Paul Abrahamian dressed up like a bearded Christmas elf, which is rather amusing.

Not so funny, however, is what may happen to Paul or Michelle Meyer if they don’t manage to snag that Power of Veto win. Right now it may look like the house is gearing toward a certain target for eviction on Thursday night. However, we’ve seen some rapid and nasty vote flipping blindsides this season, and it could certainly happen again any time!
In our Big Brother 18 recap tonight, we’ll find out who will win the best ‘gift’ of all, the Power of Veto, and if it will change up the final nominees for Thursday night’s eviction. There are only three weeks left in the season, so everyone should be fighting for every inch of power they can get, including that coveted Veto power!
Will weepy Michelle or manipulator Paul seize the day and grab the PoV to ensure their safety this week?
For the first time in the BB 18 season, Big Meech is not sobbing after being nominated to the Block for eviction. She feels safe because she is on the Block next to Paul, and she thinks he is much more likely to be evicted and the house target this week over her. Little does she know that Paul is only on the Block as a volunteered pawn, and she is the target. James and Natalie are also still in the dark with the true target and the newly formed alliance between Nicole, Corey, Paul and Victor creatively called the Final Four.
The Have-Not foods have arrived for the week, and they are not very appetizing. On the menu this week is octopus, squid, and seaweed. The Have-Nots were announced as Corey and Victor. This week’s choices for the Have-Not food is down right nasty.
The players for the POV competition were chosen and the HGs playing this week will be Nicole as HOH, Meech and Paul as Block nominees, Victor, James, and Corey as the remaining players for POV.
Michelle’s suspicions are heightened when Paul chose Corey as the Houseguest Choice during the POV ceremony. She even wonders if James is on the agenda for a back door plan this week. The Final Four alliance discuss the possibility of Michelle winning the POV and repercussions of that win. Nicole could possibly be in the position to vote as a tie-breaker vote and she does not want to be put in that position. All parties agree that Michelle cannot win the POV this week so they are sure she is evicted.
Christmas has arrived at the Big Brother house with live reindeer and all. Corey is one happy elf being that Christmas is absolutely his favorite time of the year. The HGs are dressed as Santa’s elves and must keep inventory for Santa for the competition. This is a counting competition Stay or Fold, a Big Brother classic. Natalie is the host for this competition and will not be competing with the other HGs.
After the first round, Victor was the furthest away from choosing the correct number of candy canes and is eliminated; however, James and Nicole were both only one away from the correct count of nutcrackers and both receive a candy cane. After the second round of play, James was eliminated from the competition and Nicole was awarded another candy cane. Michelle won the candy cane for the second round, and Corey was eliminated.
During the fourth round, Paul has folded for the third time, and it is down to Michelle and Nicole left in the competition. Nicole won that round giving her the third candy cane and the golden POV. Once again, Big Meech is taking it like a woman and is not crying, sobbing, or even sniffling so far after losing the POV competition.
The Final Four celebrate the victory for their alliance. Corey discusses not needing to use his ACP bribe to keep Michelle on the Block for nomination and now must decide how to best use his power this week. After winning POV, Nicole and Corey have maintained complete control of the house this week by winning HOH, POV, and the ACP bribe.
Nicole is now put to the challenge of deciding whether or not to keep the nominations the same this week or go for a big back door target. She casually mentions that her family is most likely screaming at her through the TV to make a move against the strongest players in the house, Victor and Paul. It is quite curious as to why she has chosen to align herself with a HG that has managed to be evicted twice from the game and battled his way back in to win the $500,000. Nicole needs to wake-up and smell the roses. At this point, this game may just be Victor’s to lose.
James and Natalie are starting to wonder why Nicole is spending so much time with Victor after she was the one that wanted him evicted. They are still under the guise that Paul is the main target for eviction this week. They believe is Paul goes home, Victor will pair with Nicole and Corey, and Michelle will pair with them.
And the sobbing tears from Michelle have returned. We all knew they couldn’t be too far away. Big Meech is starting to crumble about the stress of being on the Block and fears she is the target for eviction this week. She is complaining to Natalie about everything and having an absurd temper tantrum in her bed under the covers. Meech needs to pull it together.
The time has come for the Veto meeting. Nicole has the power to change her nominations from Meech or Paul to another HG. Beech and Paul both give small speeches to urge Nicole to take them off the Block, but it was all for not. Nicole decided to keep her nominations the same. Sadly, James feels as though he can trust Nicole 85% and is fairly confident Paul will be evicted this week. Tomorrow night we will find out who will be the next HG evicted from the Big Brother house, Paul or Michelle.
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