In our Big Brother 18 live recap for Thursday’s eviction show, it’s superfan Michelle Meyer versus ‘mastermind’ Paul Abrahamian on the chopping block. Whichever one of them ends up being the houseguest who got voted off Big Brother tonight, it’s certainly going to be a surprise to some of the other players!

On the Big Brother Live Feeds, veteran James Huling has been repeatedly reassuring showmance partner Natalie Negrotti, and eviction nominee Michelle Meyer, that all is great for this week’s eviction. He feels like his relationship with fellow returnee Nicole Franzel is solid, and he knows how things are going to go down in this week’s eviction. Before the feeds went down for the live show, James, Natalie, and Michelle seemed pretty confident Paul Abrahamian would be getting the boot off to Jury this week.
On the other side of the house, however, Victor and Paul are feeling happily secure in their ‘final four’ deal arrangement with Nicole and Corey. They are certain it will actually be Michelle who will be voted off Big Brother tonight, leaving ‘The Sitting Ducks’ duo of Paul and Victor alive and kicking for one of them to hopefully win the Head of Household Competition.
We’ll find out tonight who is right about which houseguest is headed out the door, and who is going to end up quite surprised when the votes don’t go the way they expect. Plus, it’s time for a new Head of Household to take power with only a few weeks left before the Big Brother 18 finale. It’s time to make some big moves for whoever wins, to make sure they reach the finale with the right people they can beat in the end!
Join us for our live Big Brother 18 recap of tonight’s live eviction show right here! Please be sure to refresh this page frequently during the show for the latest updates!
When we last left our houseguests, Nicole had all the power this week with the Head of Household and Power of Veto. But at the Veto Meeting, Nicole decided not to use the PoV and left Michelle and Paul on the block. James thinks this means Michelle will be safe, while the real majority vote is actually to keep Paul safe.
Both sides of the house think Nicole is in their corner, but if the vote comes to a tie-breaker tonight, the veteran will finally have to show her cards. Plus, we’ll find out tonight if Corey Brooks uses his America’s Care Package $5,000 bribe to get one of the other houseguests to do something he wants this week.
Nicole is all paranoid because she thinks maybe Victor is planning on voting out Paul against their plan, and that Victor has been talking to Michelle behind their backs. While it seems crazy that Victor might vote out his best friend, Nicole thinks it would be a strong move for him. Corey says he could use his bribe to make sure Victor votes out Michelle. (Although, we know clearly from the Live Feeds that there is no way Victor would vote against Paul at this point.) Nicole and Corey finally decide to give the $5,000 to Victor to buy his vote against Michelle.
Meanwhile, James, Natalie and Michelle are just basically laying around doing nothing while all the wheeling and dealing is going on behind their backs. Upstairs, Corey makes the deal with Victor to do what he was already going to do anyway, and gets paid $5,000 to vote Michelle out. Paul is thrilled that this is the ‘Friendship’ group he’s been looking for. Victor is thrilled to get all that cash for doing what he was already going to do anyway. Everyone agrees to keep it secret as they move forward with their ‘final four’ deal.
Time to talk to the houseguests and host Julie Chen announces there will not be a Double Eviction, and there won’t be another one for the whole season. More good news, each of them gets a video message from their families. They are all lovey dovey, we support you messages, and there is a lot of tearing up from some of the houseguests. Well, particularly Victor and Paulie.
Julie talks to some of the houseguests about what it’s like to get to see their families, and then tells them the live finale episode will take place on Wednesday, September 21.
Before the vote, we get a brief segment on ‘Victor the come-back kid’ and his family back home supporting him. They talk about how Victor has always been very athletic and competitive. The family lived in New Orleans but then lost everything in Hurricane Katrina. Victor and the other kids went to Puerto Rico for a time while the family rebuilt their time in the U.S. We wrap up with the family watching Victor get evicted and go back into the house twice. Victor’s mom thinks he needs to watch out for James. His Dad says Victor doesn’t like and tells it like it is, and he needs to win.
Time for the live vote! Paul and Michelle do their speeches. Paul talks about ‘Friendship’ and gives Meech another ‘death kiss’. Michelle says if they evict her, she will leave bawling and if she stays, she’ll go after Victor. She also says that if they keep Paul, him and Victor are going to end up going to the end together.
Big Brother 18 Week 10 Votes:
- Corey votes to evict: Michelle
- James votes to evict: Paul
- Natalie votes to evict: Paul
- Victor votes to evict: Michelle
- Nicole votes to evict Michelle
Michelle has been evicted. Not a good ending for Big Meech! And James and Natalie are not going to be happy campers either. Michelle starts putting Nicole on blast for floating her way to final two as she leaves, and she steals Paul’s inflatable duck as she leaves and then throws it on the stage!
Julie Chen calls out Michelle for not talking game and campaigning, she says she did in the last two hours. Michelle says she was just so sure everyone would realize how dumb it is to keep Victor and Paul together in the house. We get the houseguests goodbyes, and everyone is nice, of course, because Michelle is on the Jury. Michelle starts crying and says it really sucks and she’s a fan and wanted to win. Well yeah, everyone wants to win.
Now Natalie and James have to know (unless they are crazy!) that they can’t trust Nicole, and that she and Corey have teamed up with Paul and Victor. So that means any of their past talk about not going full out during the Head of Household Competition tonight better be all over. One of them better win, or it’s very likely one of them will be going out the door next.
The Head of Household Competition tonight is called ‘Poached Eggs’ and involves the houseguests having to move an egg with their fingers through chicken wire. They have to get the eggs to where they can grab them through a hole and then use the eggs to knock over H O H letters to win. They can also put an egg in a ‘Have’ slot to not end up a Have-Not. The first person to knock over their letters wins HoH. The first three to put an egg in the ‘Have’ slot will be save from being Have-Nots.
This competition won’t be over before the end of the show, so we’ll be flipping over to the Big Brother Live Feeds to (hopefully) watch the rest of it play out. If you can’t wait until Sunday night to find out who won, jump on over to our live recap of the HoH Competition until the final results come in!
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