The Big Brother spoilers coming in from the Live Feeds the last few days have been so much fun we’ve become terribly sleep deprived trying to keep up with all the drama! What a huge difference just one short week can make in the house! If you have been waiting until things really heated up in the game to go ahead and turn on your Big Brother Live Feeds, well now is the time folks. Go and grab that CBS All Access Pass subscription right now and get a week free to watch all the craziness yourself!

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Live Feeds, possibly including competition information or results, game play moves, alliances, showmances, etc. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!
It’s no secret to anyone watching the Big Brother Live Feeds that the power structure in the house has been turned completely upside down. Paulie Calafiore was previously running the house for weeks either as the Head of Household or as the manipulator behind whichever other houseguest else had the power. Up until Thursday’s live eviction episode, Paulie pretty much thought he had the game well in hand and everyone singing along to his tune of eventually riding their backs into the finale.
Perhaps Paulie should have paid attention to how this puppet master string-pulling ended up for veteran Frank Eudy, who was evicted earlier this season after his allies finally caught on to all of his lies and manipulations. The house revolted back then and booted Frank, and on Thursday night the house majority mutinied again and voted out Paulie’s showmance partner and pawn Zakiyah Everette.
There was a brief hiccup for the ‘revolution’ during the Double Eviction when Paulie’s still close ally Corey Brooks won Head of Household, which ended up with Bridgette Dunning getting voted out. When Victor Arroyo won the second HoH of the night, there was a bit of tense waiting to find out if he would go buddying back up with Paulie, or if he would listen to his other main guy ally Paul, and join the house mutiny working to get the Calafiore brother out next.
Happily for Big Brother 18 fans, Paul convinced Victor now was the time to make some big game moves if they wanted to get to the end as anything but pawns, if they got there at all, and the result has been days full of awesome Live Feeds watching all around.
Thankfully for Paul, James, Natalie, and Michelle, Victor decided it was time for some sweet revenge on Paulie for helping to get him evicted earlier in the season. So he dived into the plan to put Paulie on the block next to Corey. It seemed pretty clear (at least for now) that if Paulie didn’t win the Power of Veto, he would almost certainly get the boot this week. If he did win it and saved himself from the block, his now closest ally Corey would end up as the big target for Thursday’s vote.
Victor (previously evicted thanks to Paulie), and Paul (formerly Paulie’s pawn boy), now find themselves suddenly on top of the food chain in the house. The two of them, who have now teamed up as ‘The Sitting Ducks’ alliance, have the whole game their fingertips this week. What a huge turnaround! Just a week ago, Paul was basically just a sidekick to an arrogant Paulie who thought he had the game totally planned out until the end, while Victor was just one step away from ending up as one of Paulie’s next eviction targets.
A very distraught Paulie, who watched his whole game get blown up right in front of his eyes the past few days, has been so upset by this turn of events that he actually told Corey he would sacrifice the Power of Veto if he won it to save Corey instead of himself. Corey told him absolutely not to do this, which, of course, gives Paulie every excuse not to do so without ending up with a bitter Jury member toward him. So we couldn’t imagine Paulie really would use the PoV to save Corey over himself if he did win it.
Regardless, he didn’t end up with the chance to choose anyway, as Paulie failed to win the Power of Veto Competition. Perhaps because of the nasty harassment from the other houseguests, with the backing of Victor and Paul, to call him out big time before the challenge and make him as nervous and upset as possible beforehand.
Instead, Victor further solidified he and Paul’s power of the house by winning the PoV comp. As HoH and Veto winner, Victor basically just roared up from near the bottom of the totem pole last week to a threatening force to be reckoned with in just a matter of a few days.
Paulie now says he will try to convince Victor to take Corey off the block and put up a replacement nominee because he doesn’t want to try to campaign against his ally. Plus, of course, if you think about it, getting Victor to do that would basically be the only way Paulie might be able to find some small chance of staying this week, and still hold on to both Corey and Nicole as his allies to make it a near even fight in the house for the next eviction.
If Victor and Paul are smart and want to keep that power they just earned for themselves this week, they will absolutely not fall for any sort of talk of saving Corey and putting up a replacement. Right now the plan still seems strong to keep Corey and Paulie up against each other, with Paulie going out the door on Thursday night.
As for next week, Corey looks to be the next target for them to get out, which shouldn’t be difficult if they can keep the rest of the house from suddenly turning back around on them if Paul doesn’t win Head of Household. If Paulie should have the Round Trip ticket and come back after he is evicted, then they would just have to go through getting him out again, and then doing Corey next. After that, it’s hard to make plans too far ahead, but there is talk already about going after either James or Nicole.
Victor wants to go after James, while Paul wants to get Nicole out since she’ll be gunning for them after losing Paulie and Corey. They think maybe the best idea might actually be to make sure neither of them wins that Head of Household, leaving someone else to hopefully take out Nicole before they try to get out James. The final plan (at least that they agree on with each other) would hopefully be to take Michelle to the final three with them, because they would easily beat her in a vote.
Of course, the real truth is that if they manage to get out Corey, Nicole, and James, the best bet for either of them would be to target the other one next and end up in the final three with Natalie and Michelle. Because they both have to know that that would be the best combination at the end to ensure victory and a half million dollar prize.
Of course, we still have that special new additional Friday episode happening on August 19. There is always a chance that perhaps it could be a Jury Buyback competition or some other wacky twist that might just throw everything into chaos!
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