For awhile, Josh Martinez has questioned Paul Abrahamian’s true intentions. The last two Big Brother 19 weeks he has made repeated attempts to voice his concerns to his Big Brother 19 ride-or-die, Christmas Abbott. He warned her about Paul only playing for himself, and causing them to do things that directly hurt their games.
Christmas dismissed his claims, she even got aggressive about him expressing his opinions against Paul. She believed that they needed to stick together until the end. This week, Josh holds all of the power as the current Big Brother 19 Head of Household. Paul really wants Josh to aim and succeed in evicting Alex Ow this week. Josh started this plan yesterday by nominating Alex and Kevin Schlehuber.
However, Josh also spoke to the cameras about the possibility of nominating and evicting Paul this week. He discussed needing to get Christmas on board before executing the plan. Following this week’s nomination ceremony, Josh tried to discuss it a bit with Christmas. He even asked her if she would take him or Paul to the finals.
She said she wasn’t sure yet. Ouch. So Josh really is starting to see his only path to the end involves either taking out Paul now or winning the final Head of Household and taking him out then.
Josh taking out Paul this week seems near impossible. Let’s look at the two scenarios that would result in Paul going on the block:
The first scenario is if Alex wins the Power of Veto, or Josh wins it and removes her from the block. He then names Paul as the replacement nominee. Alex and Christmas are the two votes. Unless Josh is able to really expose Paul, and convince them that Paul is their enemy, he has no shot of getting him out.
Even if Josh really let’s Alex know all Paul’s lies, she’s just that naive to not believe Josh. Both Alex and Christmas would vote out Kevin without a second thought.
Then going into next week, he has three people coming after him.
The second scenario involves Josh removing Kevin from the block, or Kevin winning himself. Now Kevin and Christmas are the deciding votes. In this scenario, Josh has more of a chance. Christmas votes out Alex, and Kevin can be persuaded to vote out Paul. We have a 1-to-1 tie. Josh is the deciding vote and evicts Paul.
Now that we looked at these scenarios, the second one seems least likely to occur. However, there is always a chance in Big Brother.
So what should Josh do? Try to take out Paul this week, or hope for the best and take a shot at him in the final three? Comment and vote below.
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