Big Brother 21 Week Two Alliance Updates: Gr8ful Holds On & Black Widow Implodes

We are two weeks inside the Big Brother 21 house, and the majority alliance is still in charge of the game. Gr8ful received another break when their second member in a row was able to win the Head of Household competition. Jack Matthews took the HOH victory away from Jessica Milagros with just one final question. That win solidified Gr8ful’s safety for Jack, Jackson Michie, Tommy Bracco, Christie Murphy, Holly Allen, Analyse Talavera, Isabella Wang, and Nick Maccarone for another week.

Big Brother 21 Alliances
Photo Courtesy of @89RazorSkate20

On the other side of the house, the Black Widow alliance fell to pieces when they unknowingly included a member of Gr8ful into their group. The mole, Isabella, ran right back to her alliance and current HOH to spill the beans about the formation of Black Widow and their potential intentions to nominate Jack if given the opportunity. That was all Jack needed to nominate Kemi Fukunle and Jessica. The only member of Black Widow unscathed was Nicole Anthony, who formed her own alliance with an unlikely pair this week.

Nicole, Cliff Hogg III, and Camp Comeback member Ovi Kabir formed a new alliance, and they have decided to call themselves the Fellowship of Zing. Ovi is the only evicted houseguest to be included in an alliance, but Cliff is certain Ovi will fight his way back into the Big Brother 21 game. This alliance is in trouble though, serious trouble. Gr8ful member Christie overheard Cliff cam talking in which he divulged his new alliance plus plans to target couples in the game. Christie immediately shared this info with her alliance so who knows where this will lead inside the Big Brother house.

Big Brother 21 Christie Murphy
Christie Murphy eavesdrops as Cliff Hogg III giving his daily Cliff Notes to the camera.

Important to note, Sam Smith is working with Gr8ful still without being an official member of the alliance. As with most majority alliances within the Big Brother seasons, there are always smaller alliances within the larger group. Within Gr8ful, the Six Shooters are still together, and they include all of the main groups members except Isabella and Nick. The final four agreement between Christie, Tommy, Analyse, and Tommy remains in tact.

Other smaller but notable alliances include the “Jacks” who aren’t necessarily fan favorites, but they hold power within the Big Brother 21 house. Holly and Analyse have their BB Besties alliance, and both are members of the house majority alliance. Kathryn Dunn is on the outside looking in, kind of reminiscent of David Alexander, as she really doesn’t belong to any solid alliance to help her game moving forward other than trust built with Jessica. Kemi is in a similar situation, especially now that Black Widow is defunct.

Big Brother 21 Jack Matthews and Jackson Michie
The “Jacks” talk game strategy after the recent POV competition.

Unless Gr8ful totally self implodes, they may hold considerable power inside the Big Brother 21 house for some time to come. There aren’t enough houseguests on the other side of the house to shake up Gr8ful.  A back-to-back HOH victory for the anyone outside of Gr8ful may be the only way to lessen their power right now. In addition to the HOH nods by the outsider group, a Power of Veto win or two wouldn’t hurt either.

Check back next week to see where all of the alliances in the house stand:  Who has survived, who has thrived, and who is in trouble.

Big Brother 21

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