Yesterday in the Big Brother house, we had a major shake-up and a potentially really big player going home this week. This Big Brother:All-Star week has all been about Christmas Abbott‘s decision to target and nominate Bayleigh Dayton-Williams and Da’Vonne Rogers for eviction. Their only hope to continue in this game together was if one of them won the Power of Veto.
Continuing her Big Brother 22 losing competitions streak, Da’Vonne lost the Veto competition, and so did Bayleigh, and Christmas took home the Veto. She originally had no plans of using it, but last night Da’Vonne and Bayleigh received a life vest from an unexpected source: Tyler Crispen.
Tyler starts the conversation off by saying that he wants to apologize to them. He felt he’s been struggling in this game and self-sabotaging a bit. He then mentions how he knows that they’re (and David Alexander) in here for a bigger reason, and he understands that. He said he wants to win, but he wants to do it the right way. Tyler says seeing Da’Vonne play in the Veto Competition showed him how badly she wants to be in the game, and he felt guilty because he doesn’t want it that bad.
Tyler revealed to Bayleigh and Da’Vonne that he planned to ask Christmas to take one of them off and put him on the block. He said he didn’t like seeing them broken down like this, and Da’vonne has never made it as far as she should. Bayleigh added that Tyler needs to ask Christmas to take Da’vonne down because she deserves to be here.
Click the images to get a closer look at Tyler discussing leaving the game.
All three end up getting emotional, with Bayleigh and Da’vonne saying how no one throws them a life vest in this game, and it means a lot that Tyler is sacrificing his game so that they can play together.
Much of the conversation was blocked from the feeds, and Tyler’s conversation after with Christmas was completely blocked. So no one is sure if Tyler will be going up and out this week. However, we will see today if he goes on the block, and then if and how he navigates this week to go home or stay.
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