Big Brother 24 Power of Veto Week 4 Ceremony Results (8/01/22)

Big Brother 24 started off in a less-than-exciting manner. However, the last few weeks of Big Brother 24 Live Feeds have delivered in terms of entertainment and some good strategic moves. When the Big Brother Leftovers formed, it completely set in motion for the house to divide. It’s Taylor Hale, Kyle Capener, Joseph Abdin, Brittany Hoopes, Michael Bruner, Monte Taylor, and Matt Turner against Nicole Layog, Daniel Durston, Indy Santos, Alyssa Snider, and Jasmine Davis, with Terrance Higgins playing more of a floater game. 

Big Brother 24 Power of Veto Ceremony

Currently, Terrance is more aligned with The Leftovers than the unnamed other side, but this could change depending on who has power–you know like a true floater. The original plan going into this week was to backdoor Nicole. That’s why Monte initially nominated Alyssa and Indy, but they knew there was a chance that nominations could stay the same. If this happened, then Alyssa would go home. However, once Daniel and Kyle won the Power of Veto, it seemed guaranteed that the Veto would be used. 

Last night, there was a major shift that almost sent Alyssa home this week, but some early morning conversations shifted the target back to Nicole. The funny (and maybe tragically comical) thing is that Daniel had a chance to save his true Big Brother bestie Nicole, but was so sure that things were going in his favor. Ultimately, he made the decision that led to Nicole going on the block.



Kyle and Daniel used the Veto to save Alyssa and Indy. Monte named Taylor and Nicole as the replacement. 

This should be an interesting week because Daniel and Nicole are now confident that they have the votes to stay. They think they have Kyle and Terrance’s votes for sure. They definitely don’t have Kyle’s vote, and Terrance may not vote with them as well. This is Big Brother, so anything could happen, but for now, expect a Nicole eviction on Thursday. It may also be another blindside eviction. This would make it our third in a row.

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