Big Brother 24 Spoilers: Week 8 Block Nominations (08/26/22)

Once again, Matt Turner holds the Big Brother 24 Head of Household title. This time around, he’s caught between three alliances: his former alliance The Leftovers, his maybe-still alliance the Pound, and his new alliance Afterparty. Turner wants to stay loyal to his new alliance. He also doesn’t want to create many waves with his former allies.

Big Brother 20 Nominations

Last night, Turner considers nominating Alyssa Snider and Terrance Higgins. He sees them as weaker players in terms of their comp performances. Turner worries that they may not be able to protect him long-term. Nominating Alyssa and Terrance would still allow him to backdoor Michael Bruner, and maybe somewhat blindside him to the real plan.

However, this morning, Kyle Capener points out the potential consequences of nominating those players, especially because Terrance and Alyssa know so much now. Instead, Turner plans to nominate Taylor Hale and Brittany Hoopes, and then hopes that Michael isn’t selected to play in the Veto so that he can backdoor him. If somehow Michael wins Veto, then the plan is to take out either Brittany or Taylor.

Most likely if Michael wins the Veto, he’s taking Brittany off the block, and then Taylor almost automatically becomes the intended target. Her chances of heading to the jury house are also great if she remains on the block next to Brittany. To ensure Kyle and him have a strong player on their side–in terms of potential comp wins–Kyle and Turner tell Monte Taylor about Brittany and Michael playing both sides. They also say that Taylor is aligned with them.

Monte tells them he is on board with the plan to backdoor Michael, with Brittany and Taylor as initial nominees. So did things go as planned? Read below to find out!



Turner nominated Brittany and Taylor.

Once again, it’s all about the Veto. If Michael isn’t selected to play, his game may be over this week. If he plays Veto, wins, and takes off Brittany, then it may be the end for Taylor, unless she, Brittany, and Michael can get her the votes she needs to stay. If Brittany and Taylor stay on the block, it’ll be an all-out battle to secure their votes.


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