This season of Big Brother: Over the Top is flying by as we are already wrapping up week five this evening. The live eviction tonight shouldn’t come as a huge surprise considering the spoils granted to the winner of America’s Care Package this week. The lucky winner of the ACP this week has the power to void three of the five votes casted tonight by the HGs.

Tonight’s episode will feature the HGs spooky Halloween costumes, so stay tuned for all the “spooktactular” fun.
This weeks looks like to be the first week in a while that America’s Eviction vote is not making the deciding vote for eviction by casting the tiebreaker vote. If plans go as I have predicted considering the ACP this week and the block nominees, the HG that will be leaving this evening should have a vote of 3-0 for eviction once the ACP powers are used.
Nelly is evicted from the Big Brother house.
The new HOH competition has begun and it is a mental competition challenging the HGs to questions they studied earlier on the memory board. The comp comes down to Whitney and Danielle as the last two HGs standing. Danielle pulls it out and wins the HOH competition.
America’s Care Package has arrived. The power this weeks grants the winner with the ability to void three votes from the eviction ceremony. With so few players left in the game, the ability to void three votes is a game changer this week. Shelby has won the ACP and thus the ability to void three eviction votes.
The first safety ceremony is up next, and three HGs will be saved from eviction. Kryssie, Justin, and Jason all receive safety from Danielle during the first night of safety.
The second safety ceremony is up, and Danielle selects Scott, Morgan, and Alex. That means that Shelby and Whitney have been nominated to the block for eviction this week by Danielle.
America has chosen Scott has their nominee this week to the block for eviction.
The Power of Veto competition is up next and players will be chosen to compete. Whitney is picked and selects Justin to play. Jason’s name is finally chosen to compete in the POV. The complete list of players this week will be Danielle, Whitney, Shelby, Scott, Justin, and Jason.
The POV is a Haunted House edition with all of the lights out in the house. The HGs must find three items lost by Clementine and return them to her toy box in the fastest time. The winner will be determined by the player finishing the fastest.
The HG with the fastest time in finding all of the toys is Danielle. She has won POV for the week in addition to HOH.
Scott was told by Danielle prior to the competition that she would use the POV on Scott and take him off the block. Danielle is talking with Jason about targeting Jason this week thereby taking back her promise to take him off the block for eviction. Scott goes from being promised a save this week to being the target for eviction.
Whitney was approached by Danielle about the possibility of saving her from the block in order to have her allegiance later in the game. Danielle can then throw Morgan on the block as a pawn while targeting Scott. Whitney has decided to not share any of this information she received from Danielle with her alliance, the Ball Smashers.
At the POV meeting, Danielle decides to save Whitney from the block as she discussed, and in her place, Danielle nominated Morgan to the block for eviction.
Morgan is in tears because she was nominated to the block in Whitney’s place. She and her sister Alex figured out that Whitney must have rolled over on them…and they would be correct.
The live eviction time is here. Shelby has prevented Jason, Kryssie, and Justin from voting this week in the live eviction. Live votes are as follows:
- Alex has voted to evict Scott
- Whitney has voted to evict Scott
By a vote of 3-0, Scott has been evicted out of the Big Brother house. He leaves the house while telling everyone to be nice to each other because he will be watching them everyday.
Stay tuned for the Head of Household competition up next on Big Brother: Over the Top.
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