Big Brother Spoilers: Johnny Mac Tries to Flip the Vote 8/27/2015

James and John end up talking again in the storage room for a bit, while upstairs Austin and the twins are freaking out. Austin wants the twins to talk to James and Meg and tell them that Johnny Mac came to them trying to make deals to stay today.

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We are rushing toward the Head of Household lockdown for pre-show prep and there isn’t much time left. James talks to John again and it seems there is some strong possibility going on there with flipping James and Meg, if they can get Vanessa on board.

Vanessa, meanwhile, talks to Steve and tells him that James and Meg are wigging that he hasn’t come to them to campaign, but tells him to wait until after lockdown. Vanessa then goes to tell Austin that she is investigating what’s up in the house and will tell them when she knows more. Hmmmm. The Live Feeds go down for the lockdown, and now we have to wait and see what happens.

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So is Vanessa really contemplating flipping for the vote? Or is she just pretending she might go for it to collect information to use for or against the other Houseguests? Well, she’s won millions of dollars playing poker, so she can’t be that dense about her chances of making it to the end against a pair of twins wrapped up with a showmance.

Vanessa stands far more of a chance of making it if she switches sides successfully. However, she also has to know that betraying the Austwins could be game suicide if one of them wins the next Head of Household. It’s all in her hands right now and it’s all about whether or not she thinks now is the time to make the big move against the Austwins or not. We’ll see what happens this afternoon when the Live Feeds come back on!

UPDATE: Oh hell. Meg has happened. Meg decided that instead of potentially flipping the vote and ending up as part of the power alliance in the house against a pair of twins and a showmance, that she would TELL AUSTIN EVERYTHING JOHNNY MAC SAID. So just after 1:19 PM BBT, Meg told Austin that Johnny Mac came to her and James and told them that the Austwins had an alliance with Steve and Vanessa. He, of course, totally denied this and said that Vanessa and Steve just THINK they have an alliance, but not really.

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Meanwhile, James just looked on like a dead rock while Meg threw Johnny mac under the bus and then backed up and ran over him again. Austin pretty much throws all his manipulations out there that he and the twins totally have Meg and James’ backs and just vote out Johnny Mac it is all good!

After this conversation, Meg goes to Steve and basically confirms everything is awesome. James comes in and once again mostly stands there like a stick. Steve totally is all about how he would put up the returning Jury member if he wins HoH, and they are in no danger for him, and blah blah blah. And they are all yeah, you’re good with us bro! We are going to sit here and get evicted one by one while the Austwins make it to the final three, okay, yeah???? (That last bit was added by us, but really.)

2:00 PM BBT: Meg has told Johnny Mac that they are sorry, but it is too risky to try to flip the vote. So it looks like this whole vote flip thing is probably totally dead in the water now. What an opportunity for massively awesome gameplay that would have been! We’re so dissapointed.

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