Who won Head of Household on Big Brother tonight and will be safe from getting the boot this week with just four weeks to go in the game? We couldn’t wait to find out who won HoH on Big Brother tonight, and if it might end up being the returning Jury member. Especially knowing it was going to be another awesome endurance competition to watch play out on the Big Brother Live Feeds!

Going into the live eviction on Thursday evening, it was a bit up in the air on who was going to end up being the houseguest who got voted off Big Brother 18 this week. The spoilers from the Live Feeds the past few days seemed clear it would be Victor Arroyo who got kicked off Big Brother this week. Then, all of a sudden, the houseguests got totally crazy on Thursday afternoon and things suddenly looked very much up in the air.
Regardless of whether it ended up as Victor or Corey Brooks who got booted, however, the big news of the evening was all about who won Head of Household on Big Brother tonight — and if it might be whichever player returned from Jury.
CBS Big Brother let it slip before the show that we would be having another endurance challenge for the Head of Household competition tonight. Although they didn’t state it directly, we were pretty sure that we’d end up with another combo HoH/Jury Return competition like we had in a previous season. Whichever Jury member hung on the longest would get back in the house, and whichever houseguest overall lasted the longest would win Head of Household.

Since it’s an endurance competition, the results didn’t come in before the CBS TV show was over, so all the real action for the challenge is on the Big Brother Live Feeds. Since you can grab a week free right now to watch, we totally suggest hopping on over and signing up so that you can watch the full competition for yourself!
A last minute attempt to vote flip James and get him to vote against Corey apparently failed, and the houseguest evicted tonight ended up being Victor. This means he will get the unprecedented chance to re-enter the house for a second time if he outlasts the other Jury members in the dual Head of Household/Jury Return competition tonight. He’s totally pumped about the chance to get in the house again when Julie tells him the news!
Julie tells Victor that not only did he get a second chance, but now he has an unprecedented second, second chance. Victor can’t believe it and he’s super excited!
The doorbell rings in the Jury house and they get a note telling them they get to fight it out to get back in the Big Brother game. They are all totally excited, but they are all hoping Victor won’t be the last Jury member to fight against, because he’s too strong of a competition threat! Ooops, well, sorry but that’s exactly what you are going to get!
Host Julie Chen tells the rest of the houseguests they will all be competing in an epic endurance competition and the Jury members will be battling along with them and the last one standing will be back in the game. If the winning Jury outlasts everyone, they will also be Head of Household.
Time for the competition to begin! It’s the classic Big Brother wall endurance challenge with the houseguests trying to keep their feet on tiny platforms while holding onto a rail behind them.
The theme is the ‘Loch Mess Monster’ and in addition to having to hold on to rails while standing on tiny wooden platforms, the houseguests also have to endure getting slammed in the face and body with nasty hard streams of water. James yells that it wouldn’t be the wall competition without the water!
7:04 PM BBT (Pacific) and the Big Brother Live Feeds are on! All of the houseguests and Jury members are still on the wall and absolutely soaking wet. They talk about what Zingbot told the houseguests that the Jury members missed. Someone says you can pee now that they are all wet and no one will know.
The ‘monster’ scares the heck out of everyone by suddenly spurting water up with a very loud noise. Lucky no one fell off! James is already using his classic endurance comp squat pose. Wow, they are all so wet, with so much water drowning them, we wouldn’t be surprised if someone didn’t end up with pneumonia after this competition. At least it’s relatively warm in Los Angeles this evening, somewhere in the mid-70s.
7:09 PM BBT: Whoa! We’re not sure what happened, but Zakiyah and Da’Vonne both just came off the wall at the same time! Crap! It actually appears they held hands and jumped off the wall together. What? They are out and back to the Jury house for both of them! Maybe they just felt they had no chance to win if either of them went back into the house and decided they didn’t want to punish themselves with an endurance comp, but that would be entirely and totally lame and loser. Seriously. You play the game until the last possible second!
7:15 PM BBT: When you know that you are going to be in an endurance competition and it’s probably going to be the wall, and you know it’s probably going to have a lot of water because you are a veteran and you know these things… maybe you should not wear mascara, or at least get waterproof?
Paul wants to know why Zakiyah and Da’Vonne committed “friendship suicide” off the wall together. Zakiyah claims it was not planned. But the two like literally held hands and jumped off the wall. How was that not planned? Someone says the Jury house must be awesome apparently! James says, well, the Jury house is pretty sweet. And oops! Corey has fallen off!
Flip to the next page for more in our live recap of the Head of Household/Jury Return endurance competition!
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