Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Den of Temptations-Pendant of Protection Winner Revealed

On Wednesday’s Big Brother 19 premiere, host Julie Chen announced that this summer was all about temptations. We saw the start of this with three of them being offered in the first Big Brother night. The temptations involved taking $25,000, Paul Abrahamian returning to the house and giving out safety, and the Big Brother 2017 players deciding their own eviction fate.

Big Brother 19 Den of Temptation Spoilers

At the end of the 2-hour broadcast, Julie also informed viewers that the temptations were just beginning. We would get to tempt a Big Brother 19 player each week. In return, a punishment would be unleashed upon the game and houseguests. During the first few hours of feeds, Ramses Soto told Jillian Parker that he had a punishment.

He mentioned that this punishment might affect those he was closest to in the game. Ramses warned Jillian to distance herself from him. We’re not sure if Ramses told the truth. Because of Jillian’s current outcast status, he might be scrambling to keep himself safe. However, it is very possible Ramses spoke the truth, since he’s also one of the outcasts and a likely punishment target. During the first night, we did not get any confirmation of who won the Pendant of Protection prize.

Earlier this afternoon, Paul Abrahamian took some time to speak to the Big Brother 19 live feed watchers. He gave us a detailed rundown of the current state of the house, and more information about Megan Lowder’s self-eviction. He also shared one major tidbit.

Major Spoiler Ahead. Proceed with Caution.


Paul Abrahamian wins Pendant of Protection Big Brother 19

Paul Abrahamian won the Pendant of Protection!!!

Fans did, in fact, vote for Paul to receive the Pendant of Protection, which gives him three weeks of safety. From Paul’s details, it seems like the Pendant of Protection is a power he can use once in the next three weeks (not something that grants him three straight weeks of protection). He doesn’t want to use it because he feels it will hurt his game. Paul is also confident that his social game might keep him safe for the next three weeks, and he won’t need to use it.

How do you feel about Paul winning the Big Brother 19 Pendant of Protection?

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!
