After a slew of Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds on Thursday night and Friday morning, things calmed down for the most part for a while. The Big Brother 16 cast members slept a large chunk of Friday away on the 4th of July after a grueling and sleepless night.

But then late Friday night and Saturday morning, things started to heat up again on the Big Brother Live Feeds on Saturday as we waited for the spoilers on the Power of Veto Competition to be revealed. We’re now into week two on Big Brother 16 and it’s time for the real drama, fights, and blowups to begin!
WARNING: This post contains Big Brother 16 spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. You have been warned!
In case you missed them, you can catch up on the Big Brother spoilers from the Nominations Ceremony here, and find out the results of the Battle of the Block over here.
>> Click here to read our previous report for Friday, July 4, 2014. <<
12:05 AM: Caleb and Amber talk outside. Amber is in the hammock, Caleb is sitting next to it. Amber says she doesn’t have anything against Brittany and says she is a strong player who deserves to be in the game. Caleb says Brittany was with Devin and he wants to get rid of the last of those two.
Caleb says they can’t go against Devin right now because he is in their alliance. Maybe in four weeks or so they can talk about taking him out. Caleb tells Amber that if she won and he came in second he would be happy. And if they go on a date she’s buying.
12:25 AM – Victoria is laying on a shirtless Hayden in the Fire Bedroom. She and Victoria are talking about how they are not Hayden’s type. Victoria says she normally doesn’t cry in front of anyone because usually she is so tough. Nicole says she is very sensitive. Hayden says he thinks Nicole is hilarious.
12:50 AM – Caleb and Amber still talking in the backyard. He tells her he has only had two girlfriends and he always treats them like he treats his mom with loyalty and respect. Amber is avoiding getting drawn into Caleb’s attempt to ‘romance’ her but she plays nice. Caleb says he is a hopeless romantic and he wants his next relationship to be his last and with Christ. Amber says you have to put God first for anything to work and that God is jealous.
1:00 AM – Zach is bitching about Victoria again and how much he hates her and she is a rude, spoiled brat. Devin tells him he needs to shut up about it and have more respect. Zach says he is sorry but Victoria is so demanding and never says please or thanks anyone. Jocasta says she has talked to Victoria and thinks maybe it is a language problem and Victoria is going to try to be more careful about what she says.
1:15 AM – Amber and Caleb are still talking. He is explaining about his love of hunting, she is telling him she is really not into that whole killing animals thing. He says he doesn’t feel bad about it and he has been hunting since he was a kid. Then he tells some weird story about being randomly paralized when he was 4 and some ‘African-American’ guy came in and did voodoo on his legs. We are so not shocked when the Live Feeds cameras cut out and then shift over to somewhere else.
1:35 AM – In what may be a desperate move to escape Caleb, Amber jumps in the pool with her clothes on and yells that Caleb dared her to do it. The other Houseguests in the backyard are like, what just happened? She yells that Caleb shouldn’t have dared her. We think she was probably happy to take the dare to get away from all the uncomfortable romance/killing things conversation.
1:40 AM – Devin wants to know if Christine knows where Jocasta is at. She says she does not know. Devin says Jocasta is either being a huge floater or something is going on with her. Devin is so paranoid! He wonders if Jocasta was trying to stir things up with him always talking to him about Joey. Then he talks about how Caleb is all obsessed with Amber and he talked to him and tried to tell him that it is a TV show and these relationships rarely work out. Then he’s back to Jocasta and says he might put her up if Brittany won the Veto.
1:45 AM – Brittany tells Paola that maybe she does need to go home because maybe there is some reason she needs to be there for her kids.
2:00 AM – Discussions between the members of The Bomb Squad alliance about Devin’s controlling behavior erupts into a massive fight between Devin and Caleb! Could this mean the end of the alliance? Click here to read our full report on the showdown.
3:45 AM – The Bomb Squad members are now splintered and it looks like Devin may be out of the alliance for good. Frankie goes into clean up mode and tries to calm down Devin, calm down Caleb, and mop up after their mess. That includes trying to convince Jocasta, who overheard part of the fight, that the whole thing was just a nasty bit between Devin and Caleb over “a girl” – Amber. Frankie says Caleb and Devin were in an alliance with each other and they got into a fight over Amber.
4:00 Am – Caleb tells Amber all about the fight. She says now she can be done playing friends with Devin. She thanks him for sticking up for the girls. They high five.
Amber goes to tell Brittany that she has been talking to Caleb and they are trying to figure out a way to keep her in the game. Derrick comes in and says it is good this fight happened because now people can vote however they want to vote. Frankie comes in as well. Amber says all these guys have Brittany’s back.
4:15 AM – Cody, Christine, and Zach talk about how to keep Brittany. Cody says they are going to talk to Hayden and tells Christine to talk to Nicole. Cody is so glad all this happened. Zach says Devin’s daughter is going to be disappointed in her dad and Cody verbally smacks him for that and says not to say stuff like that. Cody says Devin called Brittany a cow. Frankie and Jocasta come in and conversation shifts.
4:45 AM – Brittany tells Zach and Cody she will owe them everything if she doesn’t go home. She says she will cook for them all day and do all their laundry. Derrick tells Brittany he may talk to Devin and check in with him. Caleb comes over and tells Brittany about the fight.
5:30 Am – Caleb tells Frankie, Amber, Derrick, and Brittany that he won’t put Devin up in the future but he will vote to send him home. Amber says she will put him up and Frankie tells Caleb not to win HoH. Amber says something about Frankie and his bromance with Zach and poor Zach looks sad and says he thinks Zach likes Cody now. Awwwwhhh.
Meanwhile, Christine is angry that Caleb thew her under the bus with Devin. Frankie says he has already smoothed everything over. Christine is scared Devin will make a mess out of everything. Frankie jokes into his mic, America, please help us!
5:45 AM – Brittany talks about how Devin called her a cow and made his hand in the shape of a gun and pretended to shoot it at her during the Battle of the Block Competition. Frankie and Zach consider the idea that Devin might put up Caleb as a renom.
6:30 AM – Indoor lockdown for the Houseguests.
7:00 AM – Zach, Cody, and Derrick talk about needing a name for their alliance and how they all trust each other totally. They think they need to really watch Frankie and Amber. Cody talks about Donny wanting to do a Donny/Cody/Zach/Hayden alliance and they are going to go with that so they can have Donny and Hayden’s votes. Donny also apparently said he could get Jocasta’s vote.
7:45 AM – Some Houseguests still awake and being silly. Zach twerks over Amber and Brittany and then runs and twerks over Frankie and then runs out of the room. Finally after more silliness, the Houseguests settle down for some sleep.
More coming soon in our next Big Brother Live Feeds spoilers report!
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