For all of you Big Brother fans, brace yourself for an action-packed week ahead including back-to-back evictions heading towards the much anticipated Big Brother 18 finale airing in just over a week. By Wednesday evening, the final three houseguests (HGs) will be in place and vying for the coveted last Head of Household (HOH) title in three rounds of grueling play.

The final HOH will have the ultimate strategic decision to be made by choosing which HG will be taken with them to the Final Two where the Big Brother jury will decide the winner of $500,000 and the title of Big Brother 18.
The week ahead may be a bit confusing to some of the newer Big Brother fans out there, but don’t fret. We are here to explain the upcoming events and what to expect this week leading up to the finale next Wednesday evening at 9:30/8:30 pm central. The biggest change to make note of this week is that Big Brother will be airing on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings as opposed to the typical Wednesday and Thursday time slots. Also important to note is that all four episodes this week will air at 8:00/7:00 pm central including a bonus episode airing Friday evening.
For those of you that watch the Big Brother Live Feeds, here is a breakdown of the upcoming events on the Feeds as well as a breakdown of the CBS network episodes:
Saturday 9/10: Power of Veto (POV) competition held earlier this evening. Check the link here for our spoiler report on this week’s POV winner.
Sunday 9/11: POV ceremony will be held in the Big Brother house. The CBS network show will feature the winner of this week’s HOH and the two HGs nominated to the Block for eviction. Check here for our spoiler report on which HG won HOH this week and here for which two HGs were nominated to the Block.
Monday 9/12: The Live Feeds will go down. While the Feeds are down, the next eviction ceremony will be recorded as well as the next HOH competition.
Tuesday 9/13: The CBS network show airing at 8/7pm central will feature the winner of the POV competition, the eviction taped the previous day during the blackout of the Live Feeds, and the next HOH competition. The Live Feeds will return and should contain spoilers for the next Block nominees and next winner of the POV competition.
Wednesday 9/14: The CBS network show airing at 8/7 pm central will feature a live eviction, the second eviction of the week. After this eviction, the final three HGs will be competing in Round One of the final HOH competition. Most likely, the network will air the beginning of the competition, and CBS ALL ACCESS viewers should be able to switch over to see the remainder of the competition.
Friday 9/16: A fourth and special Big Brother episode will be airing at 8/7 pm central and will most likely feature a compilation of this season’s greatest moments. Round Two of the HOH competition will most likely occur on this day and spoilers should be available on the Live Feeds after the competition is complete.
Wednesday 9/21: The Big Brother 18 season finale airing at 9:30/8:30 pm central running for 90 minutes.
The majority of the information listed above is valid schedule information; however, there is also some speculation so please check back to our site often for the latest results on all competitions and ceremonies leading up to the finale. For those of you that have not yet signed up for CBS All Access, please do so now to enjoy the Live Feeds as well as the upcoming special Fall season of Big Brother: Over the Top.
Keep up with the latest Big Brother spoilers, competition results, Live Feeds highlights, recaps and more on our Facebook and Twitter!
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