Big Brother 24 Live Feeds: Nicole Tells Terrance That He’s Going Home

This week’s Big Brother 24 eviction is possibly another blindside. On Monday, Head of Household Matt Turner made, potentially, the biggest move of the season (thus far) by nominating Ameerah Jones and Terrance Higgins as the replacement nominees. Going into this week’s eviction, he wanted Ameerah out of the game. 

Big Brother 24-Terrance and Nicole

He was confident in this move because he formed a new alliance called The Leftovers with Taylor Hales, Brittany Hoopes, Michael Bruner, Kyle Capener, Monte Taylor, and Joseph Abdin. Their plan has always been to take out Ameerah this week. 

However, the other side, which consists of Ameerah, Nicole Layog, Daniel Durston, Jasmine Davis, Alyssa Snider, and Indy Santos, has no clue that they don’t have the votes to keep Ameerah over Terrance. Nicole and Daniel have both spoken about maybe trying to save Terrance, but ultimately decided there was no way he would stay over Ameerah.

Because Nicole is so convinced that the majority of the house is voting out Terrance, she wanted to be the one to break the bad news to him. Around 10:03 PM  BBT, Nicole took Terrance into the Head of Household room to let him know that his game is over.

Big Brother 24-Terrance and Nicole

She told him that it was a hard week for her because she had to decide between two people that she really cares about inside and outside of the game. She also told him that everyone is saying that their votes are still up in the air. However, she knows that Ameerah has the votes to stay. She also decided to use this conversation to reveal that she used to be a cop. 

She also told him that Daniel, Michael, and Joseph also know that she used to be a cop. She thinks she’s fine with Michael and Joseph knowing because she thinks that they’re hiding their true careers as well. This is true because both are lawyers undercover. However, she suspects that Michael is an engineer and Joseph is a firefighter. 

Nicole also revealed a lot about her opinions on the houseguests and some game insight. She told Terrance that she wants Monte out of the game, and hopes Taylor wins HOH to take him out. She also said that she would like to have an alliance with Daniel, Kyle, and Michael, but she thinks Kyle is too girl crazy to really focus on the game (yes, we had to giggle at this too). 

Eventually, Turner joined the Head of Household room conversation between Nicole and Terrance. Nicole took this opportunity to break the news to Turner that Terrance is leaving the game. He doesn’t have the votes. Turner gave a very Turner reaction by barely reacting. 

Big Brother 24-Turner, Terrance, and Nicole

Once Nicole left the room, Turner made Terrance promise to not say anything to anyone. Terrance promised, and Turner told him that he knows that he has the votes to stay this week. They then talked about how Daniel and Nicole have shown their cards. Also, Terrance said that Daniel and Nicole were telling him that no one wanted him in the game so that he wouldn’t fight to stay in the house.  

Prior to her conversation with Terrance, Nicole discussed with Michael and Kyle that she and/or Daniel may give Terrance a sympathy vote because Ameerah has so many votes to stay. She also basically gave Michael and Kyle permission to give Terrance their votes if they want to give him some sympathy votes. Nicole is sure that most of the house is voting him out, so a few sympathy votes won’t mess with the eviction. 

She almost expects a unanimous vote in Ameerah’s favor. However, if Daniel and Nicole change votes, it won’t be a split vote, but an 8-3 vote in favor of Ameerah’s eviction.

Big Brother 24-Turner and Terrance

With Nicole so sure that Ameerah is staying, she truly will be blindsided on tonight’s Big Brother 24 Live Eviction. Make sure to join us tonight for a full recap of it. It could be one of the most exciting episodes all season.

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