Big Brother 24 Week 3 Head of Household (HOH) (07/21/22)

Big Brother 24 is turning into the battle of the sexes. It’s the strong female players against the strong male ones. Right now the Big Brother 24 house is equally divided between the women and the men. There are seven women left and seven men left.

Big Brother 24 Julie Chen

Each side wants to get the numbers in their favor by taking out someone of the opposite gender. Whether a male player or a female player may become the target depends on who won Head of Household. However, it’s not that simple.

Some of the men are working with the women and some of the female houseguests are in more danger than the male houseguests. Brittany Hoopes in particular should be quite worried this week. Her sporadic, some would say “messy” gameplay, has grown her target.

Michael Bruner, Brittany, Nicole Layog, Daniel Durston, and Terrance Higgins are basically riding in the middle of the house. However, all of them are more loyal to the women in the house. If Daniel or Terrance won HOH, they’ll likely try to keep the peace by nominating the players that would cause the least waves, no matter what gender.

Nicole, Brittany, and Michael would likely take a stance by targeting the men, but it wouldn’t be the strongest male players–at least not as initial nominees. Almost all of the women would place their target on Matt Turner, with the potential of backdooring Monte Taylor or Joseph Abdin. Monte, Joseph, and Turner were the players who needed the Head of Household the most.

Taylor Hale also really needed the HOH to reposition herself even more in the game.

So who won this critical Big Brother 24 Head of Household Competition? Read below to find out!



Turner is the new Head of Household. 

He really needed this win, so it should be an interesting week to see who he targets and who betrays who to stay safe.

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