Big Brother 24 Spoilers: Week 2 Eviction Results (07/21/2022)

Basically, Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli’s game ended the moment he volunteered to go on the Big Brother 24 block. Then it got another major push when Michael Bruner won the Power of Veto. It’s just been a slow march to his eviction.

Big Brother 24-Pooch and Taylor

The Girls Girls alliance decided that they wanted Pooch out and haven’t swayed from their decision. Kyle Capener, Joseph Adbin, and Monte Taylor have tried various degrees of effort to keep Pooch in the game. The numbers or power haven’t been on their side this week. Pooch’s eviction seemed inevitable. 

Tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode has been delayed until Sunday. However, the Big Brother 24 Live Feeds returned and revealed a lot of details about what happened during tonight’s episode, including who went home between Taylor Hales and Pooch.

If you want to wait until Sunday’s Big Brother 24 episode to find out who left the game, then leave now. However, if you’ve come for Big Brother 24 spoilers, then you’ve come to the right place.



Pooch has become the first person evicted from the game, and the second person to leave the Big Brother 24 house. 

We don’t know yet by how many votes Pooch was evicted. However, everyone, but Matt Turner and Joseph knew that Pooch would be leaving the game tonight. We expect everyone but Turner and Joseph to have voted him out, but, if they were informed before casting their votes, they may even have changed their votes to “go with the house.” Prior to the feeds going down to record the episode, Daniel Durston, Michael, and other houseguests were dropping hints to Turner and Joseph that the house may flip to vote out Pooch.

Therefore, likely Joseph and Turner were told about the vote flip prior to the eviction, or they at least got strong hints about it.

Update: Pooch was evicted by 12-0.

Are you sad to see Pooch leave the Big Brother 24 game?

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