The Big Brother 18 houseguests (HG) have been besieged with shocking twists in just two weeks of game play. The last episode revealed the unexpected twist of an individual competition with HG’s vying against one another.

The winner of the new Road Kill competition earned the right to secretly nominate a third HG to the Block. Rookie Paul Abrahamian was secretly chosen by veteran Frank Eudy as the third and final eviction nominee at the end of Sunday’s episode.
Tonight’s episode will feature the first Power of Veto (POV) competition of the summer. The three nominees to the Block, the Head of Household (Nicole Franzel) and two randomly selected HG’s will compete for the POV tonight. Of course, each of the nominees hope they win to take themselves off the Block while Nicole and Frank hope their nominees don’t win, come down off the block, and avoid possible eviction.
Paul says he’s going to fix everything like he always does by winning the POV and taking himself off the Block. Paulie Calafiore has been told he is only a pawn and has no worries about being on the Block, which seems to be true based on the HG’s conversations. Jozea Flores thinks the house loves him. He also believes he is the “heart and soul” of the house, and the POV should be used on him to take him off of the Block. The 8 Pack alliance, in control of the house at the moment, has targeted Jozea for eviction. If he doesn’t win POV, a blindside eviction is very possible for Thursday’s episode.
Should one of the three nominees win the POV, then we can only assume the person who nominated them would have to make a replacement nominee. If Paul wins POV, then Frank will be nominating someone new to the Block. If either Jozea or Paulie win, Nicole should have power to name a new nominee.
The only guaranteed way to save yourself once nominated to the Block is by winning the POV and taking yourself off the Block. Otherwise, you are in danger of being evicted from the Big Brother house during the live eviction show each Thursday even if you think you’re totally save. CBS did reveal an interesting tidbit about the POV competition by saying that the three players nominated will fight for their lives in a dog-eat-dog competition.
If you can’t wait until the show to find out who won Power of Veto on Big Brother tonight, you can find the spoilers from the Live Feeds here.
Join us for our live recap of tonight’s Power of Veto episode starting at 5 PM PT / 8 PM ET. Tune in tonight to see who is safe and who is in danger of eviction!
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