More sad news for the Big Brother 2014 cast tonight. Derrick Levasseur learned on Friday night that his grandfather passed away. Derrick was informed with a letter passed along by production, just as Big Brother 16 cast mate Frankie Grande was told his grandfather died just a few days ago.

On the Big Brother Live Feeds on Friday evening, Derrick was called into the Diary Room and given a letter explaining that his grandfather had died. The other Houseguests gathered to comfort him when he emerged and told them what had happened. Derrick spent some time grieving alone in the Have Not Room and then came back out to join the others.
Derrick’s very devoted wife, Jana, confirmed the news on Twitter. “Derrick’s grandfather passed away early this morning and Derrick was just informed,” she said. “We appreciate everyone’s loving thoughts for our family.”
Later in the evening, Derrick told Hayden that he would not be leaving the Big Brother 2014 house. He said he came on the show for his wife and daughter and he will keep playing for them. Production allowed Derrick to record a message for his grandfather’s funeral so that he could be there in spirit.