Celebrity Big Brother 2013 Recap: Day 21 Highlights

It’s the morning of the last eviction in the Celebrity Big Brother 2013 house, the HouseGuests are unaware that there will be a double eviction tonight.


Louie Spence approaches Carol McGiffin in the kitchen to inform her that she was sleep talking the night before about Vicky Entwhistle. Carol seems shocked to hear that she talks in her sleep but she was unfazed by Vicky hearing her.  Louie keeps saying that he thought Carol was joking because she was speaking so clearly.

In the bedroom, Vicky is talking with Courtney Stodden and Lauren Harries about hearing Carol talk about her in her sleep last night. Courtney tries to calm Vicky down and reminds her that in a few days she will never have to see Carol again. Vicky says that finds Carol spiteful and she has made the house uncomfortable for her.

Carol comes into the bedroom and apologizes to Vicky for what she said in her sleep about her.  Vicky plays if off like it was nothing to her.  Vicky says that she really enjoyed the first two weeks in the house but Big Brother has been really pushing their buttons this week.  Carol says that she will be really upset if she gets evicted tonight, it would be a shame to make it this far and be thrown out.

Big Brother gathers everyone in the living room to announce what Carol said in her sleep last night about Vicky.  Big Brother says that Carol broke the rules by talking about nominations and she must go straight to prison.  Louie is laughing hysterically at the situation, Vicky actually feels bad because it is so cold outside.

In the Diary Room, Vicky is telling Big Brother that if she had known Carol thought she was the most annoying housemate, she would have doubled up on her annoying behavior.  She feels like she is victorious because she has obviously gotten to Carol since she was talking about her in her sleep.

Today’s task is a “Battle of the Bands” competition, there will be two different bands lead by Louie and Abz Love.  Louie’s band is comprised of Carol, Charlotte Crosby, and Courtney.  Abz’s band includes Mario Falcone, Vicky, and Lauren.  The two groups split up and work on writing songs about their Celebrity Big Brother 2013 experience.   Big Brother chooses Louie’s band as the winner.

The group is shown preparing for the live Eviction show, Carol is extremely nervous and really wants to stay.  Courtney tells Lauren that she thinks Vicky will probably get evicted tonight.  Mario says that he hopes to stay; he doesn’t care if he wins, he would just like to be a part of the full journey.  Emma Willis announces that Courtney has been evicted; Lauren is sad to see her go but is happy as well because Courtney wants to leave.  Louie is announced as the next evicted HouseGuest, he is happy, but the rest of the group is shocked and disappointed to see him go.

Charlotte and Abz are talking in the kitchen; she says that she is so proud of them all for making it to the end. She feels like she has been in the Celebrity Big Brother house for a lifetime and it will be so weird to go back out into the real world.

The remaining HouseGuests are taking part in an awards show voted on by the British Public.

Funniest HouseGuest: Charlotte

Sexiest HouseGuest: Mario

Biggest Villain:  Carol

Most Entertaining:  Charlotte

Biggest Game Player:  Lauren

After the awards show, Lauren is feeling down over being voted as the “biggest game player.”  Carol tells her to get over it, they have hall had some negative reactions over the course of the show. Lauren goes to the Diary Room and talks to Big Brother about it.  She wants the public to know that she is not a game player.

Charlotte is in the Diary Room, singing about being in the final.  Carol and Vicky are outside talking, Carol is feeling really weird tonight.  They both think that Charlotte has a great chance of winning on Friday.  Carol thinks that Lauren is very good at getting attention and maybe that is why people think she is a game player.  Vicky says that her and Carol are the two “old birds” in the house and they did well to make it to the finals.