Big Brother Spoilers: Weekend Live Feeds Highlights 7/11/2016

There was a lot going on in our Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Live Feeds this weekend. While new Head of Household Bridgette Dunning is technically in power, it’s really been veteran Frank Eudy pulling all the strings. However, although he may think he’s on top of the world right now, and in control of the house, his ‘allies’ have been secretly working against him behind his back.

Frank Eudy

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet been shown on the CBS TV show, possibly including competition information or results, game play moves, alliances, showmances, etc. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!

Friday Night/Saturday Morning (7/8 to 7/9)

Right around midnight on Friday night Big Brother time (Pacific), James basically reveals to Natalie Negrotti that Frank won the Roadkill Competition and put Bronte D’Acquisto up on the block. James tells Natalie not to worry, however, because Tiffany is the target and they will all be going after Frank to evict next week. Natalie says that it was okay if Tiffany did get booted, as long as she and Bronte are safe.

Big Brother James Huling

Natalie tells Bronte about her conversation with James and that she should stay cool because Tiffany is the actual target. She does not, however, tell Bronte that it was Frank who won the Roadkill Competition and put her up on the block. Natalie tells Bronte to be sure to pick her to play in the Veto Competition if she got the chance.

James and the Spy Girls (aka Powerpuff Girls) get together again later on in wee hours of the morning to talk more game, including who Bridgette might have to put up as a renom in the future Veto Meeting. They finally wrap things up around 4:30 AM BBT and go to sleep.

Saturday (7/9)

The Spy Girls are at it once again on Saturday morning talking about the upcoming Power of Veto Competition. Bronte thinks there will be an endurance competition next week and they hope so because they think it will be their strength. She also says she thinks it will be the last eviction pre jury unless they put more people back in the house, but she doesn’t think that will happen. (Little does she know!)

Big Brother Live Feeds Spy Girls

Natalie says it’s good because everyone thinks they are the underdogs, but they are actually the “secret threat” in the house. The girls do a bit of camera talk in the Head of Household room. They say they just have to keep Natalie and Bronte safe this week. Natalie says they could win any kind of competition coming up and talked about various kinds of challenges that might happen, including the Veto ‘Dice’ game from previous seasons.

Just before 1:00 PM BBT, the Live Feeds return from blackout for the Power of Veto Competition player draw. Paulie and Natalie were drawn to join HoH Bridgette and eviction nominees Paul, Bronte, and Natalie.

Tiffany, like the Spy Girls, is also thinking this week may be the Veto ‘Dice’ game and goes over possible strategies for winning it. She knows she’s in serious danger this week and she needs to win that Power of Veto to keep herself safe.

In the early afternoon, Nicole and Da’Vonne talk over eviction possibilities. Nicole asks if Da’Vonne is cool with Tiffany going out this week, and Da’Vonne says she is. Nicole really wants Tiffany gone this week, but Da’Vonne says they have to consider that Frank wants Tiffany out. So it could be good to save her and send her out after Frank if they can get him out next week. Nicole is all about Tiffany leaving though, even if it ends up Bronte against Tiffany.

Big Brother Live Feeds Da'Vonne

Nicole also says she pretty confident that if her snuggle buddy Corey should go up on the block as a renom this week, they should be able to keep him safe from eviction. They both promise each other they will have each other’s backs until the end. Quite the whisper conversation between the two around 2:30 PM BBT if you want to rewind for it all on the Big Brother Live Feeds, just turn the volume up loud because they are both really good at the whisper game!

Feeds cut out for the Veto Competition around 4:20 PM BBT and come back on about two hours later. It doesn’t sound like it was the ‘Dice’ game after all. We quickly learn that Bridgette won the Power of Veto, but was apparently injured in an accident in the process. She comes out of the Diary Room later with a sprained ankle and crutches. At some point later Frank says he thinks he fell on her by accident during the competition and that contributed to her getting injured. She tells him it’s not his fault.

Da’Vonne tells Frank that she thinks Tiffany knows she is likely going home this week because she was very sad after losing the Veto Competition. Frank goes and reassures Paul that he will be fine this week and not to worry if he’s still on the block at eviction time.

Natalie tells Bridgette that it is okay if she uses the Power of Veto to save Bronte, even if it means that she might end up as the renom. All three girls reaffirm their ride or die deal to the end no matter what. A bit later, Frank tells Natalie that Tiffany is the target this week and that she will be going home and not to worry.

Big Brother Live Feeds Spy Girls

Bronte tells James that she doesn’t want to come off the block if it means that Natalie might go up in her place. She then tells Bridgette this as well and that she should just leave the nominations the same so there are no renom issues.

Although Zikaya tries to reassure Tiffany that she is going to be okay this week when they talk on Saturday night, Tiffany knows this isn’t true.

A lot of folks talking about Michelle and whether she might be a help or a hurt to their game. Right around midnight on Saturday night/Sunday morning, Frank and Paulie are on the topic again. They both think, however, that Bridgette is a better asset to have than Michelle would be. Frank says he is not going to tell Tiffany she is going to be evicted in advance. He also says he wants to target Bronte for next week and thinks he can get Bronte and Natalie up together, with Da’Vonne possibly as a Roadkill nominee.

Big Brother Live Feeds Paulie and Frank

Sunday (7/10)

After leaving his conversation with Frank, Paulie talks to James. He wants James to tell Frank they should go after him and Corey next and see what Frank says about it. Paulie is obviously wanting to fish to see if Frank is lying to him and if he can be trusted.

Head of Household Bridgette, meanwhile, is all about her Spy Girls alliance and still clueless that her girls Bronte and Natalie are in Frank’s crosshairs. She thinks Frank and James will want to keep them all around because they are so good at the game.


Around 2:40 AM we have the dubious fun of learning Nicole has peed herself from laughing too hard while trying to pull a ‘ghost’ prank on some of the other houseguests. So much so that she drips on the floor. Eewwwww. She flees into the bathroom and has to jump into the shower. Meanwhile, Bronte, Natalie and Zakiyah practice a dance routine and the guys laugh over the ghost prank and Nicole peeing herself while she showers.


James and Frank chatting it up just before 4:00 AM BBT about how they both think they are doing great and should both be safe for several weeks. Frank, of course, has no idea that James is plotting against him or that all of the other vets and their side allies are pretty much ready to boot him as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Paul tells Tiffany that he thinks she actually has a good chance of staying this week. She is not so much feeling this is true. But so far Tiffany pretty much is always freaked out she is going to be evicted even when all indications are that she really IS safe. So it’s hard to know if she really knows she’s the primary target, or just afraid she is and that everyone is lying to her. (Which many of them are.)

Although James has been a little standoffish with Natalie after seeing her flirting with Corey, they are still heavy into game talking and a bit of flirtmancing as well. They are still up and talking at 5:00 AM BBT. Natalie wants to be sure that she is going to be voting with the house. James tells her that he will make sure they vote how it’s going to be best for their game going forward.

In the morning, James talks to Corey about keeping Natalie in the loop about what is going on. However, he says he’s been careful to make sure she doesn’t know exactly where all the information is coming from. They talk about how to keep Frank in the dark that he’s the big target for next week. James says that Natalie is mostly worried about just making sure she gets to Jury so she can get paid for the time.

Flip to the next page for more in our Big Brother spoilers Live Feeds weekend report!

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