Does anyone have any #EmpiricalEvidence that Audrey actually wants to win Big Brother 17? When Audrey Middleton said that she intended to play the game like TV’s Dexter Morgan, I do not think anyone imagined that things would unfold quite like they have over the last few days.
WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!
Audrey went from the houseguest who everyone wanted to work with to social outcast inside of one week. How did it happen?
While Dexter Morgan utilized saran wrap, sharp knives and the Atlantic Ocean to rid of himself prey, Audrey has chosen lies, lies, and more lies as her weapons of choice. Of course, if the world had found out that Dexter Morgan was a serial killer as quickly as the houseguests realized that Audrey was at the center of a tangled web of deceit, Dexter would have been a miniseries.
Audrey’s Reckoning only occurred after a couple of days of hushed meetings between small groups of houseguests, all stating that they were concerned about Audrey and her loyalty to them. Over time, those small groups started to intersect with one another until they all realized that, in one way or another, Audrey had thrown them all under the bus. There were heartfelt tears shed and profanity laced insults hurled and, after a series of events too topsy turvy to succinctly relay, the Big Brother altercation of the century occurred: Da’Vonne vs Audrey.
The confrontation between the ladies began in the have not room, with Audrey telling Da’Vonne that she had not said one bad thing to anyone in the house about her. As “luck” would have it, moments after Audrey made that stern proclamation, Vanessa walked into the room and confirmed for Da’Vonne that Audrey had indeed been throwing her under the bus. To say the least, this lit a fire under Da’Vonne’s bum, and that lit flame led to all the members of the Bomb Squad 2.0 joining the ladies in the have not room. The end result – Audrey is not to be trusted, thus leaving her ally-less.

Like an infirm grandmother entering her last days, Audrey has been bedridden only to emerge from her cocoon when absolutely necessary. In between summoning houseguests to her bed to talk game, she has had food delivery by Shelli as well as people trying to coax her back into life in the Big Brother house. Audrey has remained steadfast in her decision to isolate herself, allowing time to lick her wounds and hatch schemes that she hopes will extend her days. (A part of her probably also hopes that some of the houseguests will have sympathy for her.)
Such schemes include going to James and asking him to help flip votes to save Jace. In this proposal, she would work with Da’Vonne (yes, Da’Vonne) and Jason and “protect James” from Clay and Jeff, who she stated are after James after she’s evicted. She also credited this duo as being responsible for her turning on Da’Vonne and Jason, stating, “They manipulated me!” Included in her pitch was the fact that no one would expect her to work with Jason and Da’Vonne. The problem there is that she is right. No one would expect it – including Jason and Da’vonne.

The aftermath of Audrey’s outing may place her at the top of the Next Evictee list, but it does not mean that her game is doomed. History shows that there is an argument that can be made for being the person that “everyone wants out of the house.” That, plus Audrey’s ability to get the houseguests to sit and listen to her tall tales (all while she hides behind sunglasses), gives her a glimmer of hope in this game. That she can tell so many lies, but still have the houseguests absorb what she tells them is a testament to her overall believability. She knows how to pepper in a little bit of verifiable information and this helps to lend credence to her fabrications. A player with that ability would be dangerous in this game if they only lied when necessary.
Which leads us back to…
Does anyone have any #EmpiricalEvidence that Audrey actually wants to win Big Brother 17?
I found her true form. #EmpiricalEvidence #BBAudrey #BB17
— The Crazy Hippy✌️ (@Savvyqueen_xo) July 1, 2015
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