Big Brother Spoilers: Veto Meeting Results – Week 7

The Big Brother spoilers for the Veto Meeting on Monday probably will come as no surprise to those who have been watching the Live Feeds the past few days. Although there has been nearly endless debate on which houseguest should actually get the boot off to Jury this week, the PoV Meeting outcome was pretty much set in stone as soon as Veto Competition was over on Saturday.


WARNING: This post contains Live Feeds spoilers, possibly including competition information or results, game play moves, alliances, showmances, etc. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!

The Big Brother 18 houseguests have been talking around in circles for days about which player everyone should vote to evict on Thursday night, as you can read in our latest Live Feeds highlights report. However, there was little question of what would happen in Monday’s Veto Meeting.

On Saturday, Paulie Calafiore won the Power of Veto Competition, and once he had the medal in hand, it was quickly resolved that he wouldn’t be using it to take anyone off the block. Nope, he did not plan to save his showmance partner Zakiyah Everette from the block. Not even if she might be in serious danger of getting evicted.


Paulie is not too concerned though, because he is pretty sure the plan he has put into action to get Michelle Meyer kicked off Big Brother 18 this week is all settled and in the bag. So prior to the Veto Meeting, he wasn’t too worried about losing his pocket pawn Zakiyah. Despite how pissed she was going to be about him not taking her off the block. What he doesn’t know, however, is that the mice in the house are starting to catch on to the cat running around in their midst. And in not saving Zakiyah, he might just be condemning her to becoming a VERY bitter Jury member on Thursday night.

Paul wants Zakiyah out and that’s the smarter move, to potentially weaken Paulie before he just runs away with this whole game. He’s been campaigning everywhere to flip the vote to get out Zakiyah instead of Michelle, and some folks are listening. There has been a lot of chatter the last few days about how Paulie is and has been running the house basically since Frank Eudy was evicted. So a rebellion against his puppet master string pulling might just be in the works.


In fact, James may actually be on the verge of flipping his vote, and bringing Natalie along with him. Plus, he has the power this week from America’s Care Package to cancel out two eviction votes. If he wields that the right way, he could pretty much guarantee Michelle ends up as the houseguest evicted this week. We’ll have to wait and see how the next few days before the live show on Thursday shake out!

We’ll have the ‘official’ results from the Veto Ceremony when they come out later today, but we have virtually no doubt at all that Paulie will not use the Veto — as he and his allies have planned — and Zakiyah and Michelle will stay on the block. As soon as it’s over, we can’t wait to watch the Big Brother Live Feeds to see how Zakiyah reacts when she’s absolutely, totally clear that Paulie won’t be coming to her rescue at the last minute.

About L. A. Vess 1495 Articles
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