Big Brother 18 cast member Nicole Franzel, 23, hails from Ubly, Michigan and is an emergency room nurse. She is a returning houseguest from Big Brother 16, during which she ultimately placed seventh. She had been evicted from the house and was able to re-enter, but she only lasted two more weeks. She has been deemed “the blonde” only because it was strange that none were cast originally, she is really so much more than that.
Nicole Franzel of Big Brother 16 and 18. Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS
Before going through the details of her Big Brother season, we will first go over some of the information from her previous cast biography on the CBS website. Her strategy for BB16 included having a final two deal with a male to excel at physical competitions, but have other alliances on top of that. Unlike some players who think it’s best to sleep through the first few weeks, she wanted to win the first Head of Household (HOH) in order to have the best chance to feel out the other players as they come to her for safety.
Nicole has several fears which include heights, surgery, sharks and ghosts. She considers getting a callback from Big Brother casting to be her biggest accomplishment, but I’d think nursing school would be on the top of that list.
Her current CBS profile has some additional information. She is a big fan of Frank Eudy, primarily because of his loyalty. Since he is also in Big Brother 18, maybe they will team up aside from the normal veterans alliance. Nicole describes herself as emotional and knows she needs to keep her guard up. She also realizes that she needs to have a good social game. Hopefully her life motto, “make the most of your situation”, will pay off.
Now let’s talk about Big Brother 16 and how she ultimately did. First, she could have done better if she hadn’t gotten in a showmance with Hayden Voss and let her game get sidetracked. They did end up dating for almost two years out of the house. The picture below is from January 2016; however, she has now said in the Big Brother 18 house that she is single.

Nicole Franzel of Big Brother 16 and 18 and Hayden Voss of Big Brother 16 Photo: Twitter
Nicole was nicknamed Fruit Loop Dingus by fellow houseguest Zach Rance who she never really found herself in an alliance with. They were both in the top 3 for America’s Favorite Houseguest, losing to Donny Thompson.
Oddly enough, she was in an alliance during Big Brother 16 called The Weirdos and she is now on Team Freakazoid which is quite the similarity. She is definitely quirky and cute and can fit these team descriptions, in a good way.
One of her main downfalls was that she was loyal to some weak players. Her loyalties were to Donny Thompson, Hayden Voss, Victoria Rafaeli, and Jocasta Odom. Given, Victoria made top three, but she floated to the final HOH. Had she been taken to final two with Cody Calafiore, she would have lost. Unfortunately, they were blindsided by Jocasta’s eviction and Hayden went the next week.
Nicole was overthrown as an HOH on a Battle of the Block competition and it was primarily due to rumors that Derrick Levasseur started. He told Christine Brecht that Nicole had been planning to backdoor her even though her real target was Frankie Grande.
As mentioned before, Nicole was originally was evicted week 8, but she participated in a competition to re-enter the house where she lasted an additional two weeks. It’s rare that this happened since the houseguests who are brought back are usually main targets.
In her CBS profile, she stated that difficulties on the show for her were being able to find an alliance she can trust and thinking the house has your back when they don’t. These definitely ended up to be true. She was in an alliance called The Rationale with Cody Calafiore, Derrick Levasseur, and Hayden Voss. However, based on the above mentioned rumors of the puppet-master Derrick, he obviously couldn’t be trusted.
According to Brecht’s Twitter account, she does not plan on watching even though she’s a “Super Fan” because of Nicole (note: this is just an assumption). Christine had quite the obsession with Cody and did not like when he talked to Nicole. Her official reason per the Tweet below is because it’s not an all-stars season.
For those that don’t remember, I said I would only watch BB18 if it was All-Stars, and it ain’t. I keep my promises.
— Christine Brecht (@stinestinks) June 22, 2016
Nicole could fare well as long as the newbies don’t take out the veterans and she doesn’t end up in a showmance that distracts her. Her profile says that she is “flirty”, so hopefully she stays out of the showmance scene this year. There are a lot of attractive men in the house, so we will see.
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Click for Nicole Franzel’s in-depth profile, photos & videos!
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