Big Brother 23 Spoilers Week 4 Power of Veto Competition Results (07/31/21)

This could be the most exciting Big Brother 23 Power of Veto Competition yet. Everyone playing it will likely be going full force for the win. Current Head of Household Christian Birkenberger nominated Hannah Chaddha and Whitney Williams for eviction on Friday. Whitney is the target, but that can change. 

Christian and Alyssa Lopez have been swinging back and forth since this Big Brother 23 week began between targeting Hannah or Whitney. The Kings member Sarah Beth Steagall wants to get Hannah out, but other Kings member Xavier Prather wants to keep Hannah because she’s a part of the Cookout alliance. Queens members Kyland Young and Tiffany Mitchell have also been trying to keep Hannah safe.

Sarah Beth really wants Hannah gone, so this week’s Veto really has the potential to cause a major game division. If Whitney wins the Veto, someone else needs to go up and Alyssa and Christian either will want Hannah out or they will want the new nominee gone. If Hannah wins Veto, then Whitney is almost for sure going home this Big Brother 23 week. Claire, Derek X, and Azah were picked to play in the Veto competition along with Christian, Hannah, and Whitney. 

So who won this week’s Big Brother 23 Power of Veto Competition? Read below to find out!



Christian won the Power of Veto!


He’s becoming a comp beast and likely to not use it.

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